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kids corner Put Bullies

kids corner Put Bullies in Their Place By Ashley C. Banks Going back to school can be exciting – but it can also be difficult if you are being bullied. Did you know that one in five students in an average classroom is experiencing bullying in some way? It may feel like it, but remember that you’re really not alone. Bullying can happen anywhere – right in front of your face, over the phone or on Facebook. It can consist of name calling, being hit or being embarrassed in front of all the other kids. Bullying happens to kids of all races and ages. Being the victim of a bully can really hurt your feelings and make your whole life seem miserable. The kids doing the bullying are often very unhappy with themselves so they pick on others as a way of feeling cool and in control. Don’t give them the power! If you’re being bullied, try your best to stay calm and cool in the moment. Show confidence and don’t show the bully that you’re mad or sad. Ignore the bully and walk away. (Yes, your knees may be shaking but you don’t have to show it!) Don’t use violence because it will only make everything worse. If you’re having trouble with bullies, you should always go to a grownup for help. That means a parent, teacher, counselor a coach or your priest. Sometimes you may need to tell more than one adult. The most important thing to remember: you have worth, and no one has the right to make you unhappy. No one deserves to be bullied! Remember these tips: • Tell a trusted adult. • Act confident – even if you don’t feel it. • Respond firmly or say nothing at all. • Take a different route to and from school if possible. • Avoid areas of school where there are no adults. • Stick with groups of students at all times. • Don’t bring expensive items to school. Surf To It These websites all have great ideas for dealing with bullies. 40 CHALDEAN NEWS SEPTEMBER 2011

A special invitation to all Chaldean-owned grocery stores, liquor stores, convenience stores, gas stations, restaurants, bars and taverns ASSOCIATED FOOD & PETROLEUM DEALERS 13th Annual Holiday Food & Beverage Show “A Winter Wonderland” Tuesday and Wednesday September 20 and 21, 2011 Suburban Collection Showplace 46100 Grand River • Novi, MI 48375 You must be at least 21 years of age to attend this event. No admission charge when you mention this ad. For more information, Contact Dawn Geiger Phone (800) 666-6233 Fax (866) 601-9610 SEPTEMBER 2011 CHALDEAN NEWS 41




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