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‘one to watch’

‘one to watch’ Attorney Clarence Dass gains accolades By Christopher Salem For most lawyers, Friday mornings are a time to catch one’s breath from a week’s worth of hectic court appearances and complex client matters. But in a studio atop the historic Fisher Building in downtown Detroit, attorney Clarence Dass is just getting started. He’s busy delivering swift justice. Dass, an attorney at Detroit’s Gurewitz & Raben, PLC, launched “Swift Justice” on 96.3 FM WDVD’s “Blaine and Allyson in the Morning” show this past winter. The segment targets a wide array of listeners every Friday morning around 8:05 a.m. The show’s format shies away from the traditional question-andanswer sessions of legal advice. Instead, “Swift Justice” blends together legal issues with entertainment value, free from the complexities of the law. With topics ranging anywhere from “suing over a broken heart” to demystifying the stunning notguilty verdict of the Casey Anthony murder trial, the segment is a unique combination of pressing hot topics driven by controversial legal questions. Dass is not the sole engineer of this effort, though. He is accompanied by the famed duo of Blaine and Allyson — WDVD’s trademark morning radio personalities — who are known for their lighthearted ideological rivalries. Dass, a graduate of the Ohio State University Moritz College of Law, discussed the growth of the show and its crew. “When we kicked off the segment in January we were all very cautious because we were learning each other’s styles for the first time live on the air,” he explained. “But a natural chemistry quickly developed among us. The segment evolved into more of a conversation about the law rather than a lecture – a development we hoped for from the beginning.” Co-host Blaine kicks off “Swift Justice” with a controversial subject that, typically, incites an emotionally charged Allyson. Her reactions, which are consistently guided by a liberal undertone, spark the passion of Blaine and his usually conservative perspective. After allowing a brief moment of ideological rivalry to pass, Dass seizes control of the discussion with a breakdown of the topic into two or three main points. The results usually instigate one of two things — a sudden epiphany with Allyson’s new understanding of the law, or a perplexed Blaine who is often furious with his frustration over some laws. Dass then brings the discussion home. Dass shared one particular moment, though, when a caller joined the conversation of “whether or not ‘finders-keepers, losers-weepers’ is an actual law.” “A woman called asking whether something she found on her property after many years could now be considered hers,” Dass said. “When I asked her what it was, she said ‘a boat.’ “A boat! It boggled my mind how anyone could look outside their window for years and not notice a boat in her backyard — or at least try to do something about it.” The call ended up being a productive one for the lady. “I told her she may have just become the owner of a brand-new boat,” Dass remarked. In July, the Detroit Metropolitan Bar Association honored Dass with “The One to Watch” award. After a review of Dass’s resume, it is difficult to disagree with the DMBA’s decision. For instance, he is frequently the one to watch on WXYZ Channel 7, where he discusses anti-bullying legislation in Michigan, an area where Dass has found great interest and passion. And he’s been hailed by his alma mater, Wayne State University, which recently chose him as the face of its recruitment campaign in a pamphlet that touts a front-page profile of Dass’ successes. MAXIMUM CHOICES MINIMUM PRICES PLUS HD DVR DVR is leased. (/mo DVR Service fee applies) For 3 Months Choose one For 3 Months UNLIMITED ACCESS TO Thousands of On Demand Movies and Shows and Over 20 HD Channels (248) 722-1913 Sales & Services Clarence Dass at the radio studio. INSTALLATION in up to 6 rooms Digital Home Advantage plan requires 24-month agreement and credit qualification. Cancellation fee of .50/month remaining applies if service is terminated before end of agreement. After 12 months of programming credits, then-current price will apply. /mo HD add-on fee waived for life of current account; requires 24-month agreement, continuous enrollment in AutoPay with Paperless Billing. 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Starz® and related channels and service marks are the property of Starz Entertainment, LLC. 28 CHALDEAN NEWS SEPTEMBER 2011

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