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IRAQ today Firefighters

IRAQ today Firefighters extinguish flames after an early-morning car bomb attack in front of a church in Kirkuk on August 2. AP Photo/Emad Matti More Churches Bombed A church in the Iraqi city of Kirkuk was bombed on August 15, bringing the total to three within less than two weeks. Nobody was hurt in the explosion, which took place at 1:30 a.m. local time. According to a report by ankawa. com, Fr. Gewargis Elias was lucky to escape with his family when security staff spotted a vehicle carrying suspicious devices and ordered him out of St Ephrem’s Syrian Orthodox Church just minutes before the blast. Reporting the incident, Archbishop Louis Sako of Kirkuk told Catholic Charity Aid to the Church in Need, “Today they attacked another church. Who knows if tomorrow they will attack the clergy or the people?” The Archbishop was speaking after St Ephrem’s became the third church in Kirkuk to be attacked so far this month. Almost exactly two weeks earlier, again early in the morning, car bombs exploded at Holy Family Syrian Catholic Church and the nearby Evangelical church. At least 13 people in homes close to Holy Family Church were injured – mostly slightly. Archbishop Sako said this latest bomb in the city center was far bigger, leaving a huge hole in the main wall and smashing pews and other church fi ttings. Bishop Vows to Stay in His Country An Iraqi bishop at World Youth Day in Madrid has decried the situation of Christians in Iraq following renewed violence in the country. The Auxiliary Chaldean Bishop of Baghdad, Shlemon Warduni, spoke to the Charity Aid to the Church in Need about the attacks that killed 65 and injured 50 in at least 17 separate attacks. The bishop was critical of the deterioration of security in the country following the 2003 invasion of Iraq. “Why did they come? To do what?” he said. “They came to give us freedom. The freedom to kill one another.” Bishop Warduni went on to bewail the declining Christian presence in the country, as the faithful have fl ed abroad in response to the violence. Estimates put the number of Christians in the country as no more than 200,000 down from more than a million before the fall of Saddam Hussien’s regime. “We are seeing so much immigration — we did not see this much immigration in the last 300 years.” he said. Bishop Warduni also underlined his own determination to stay in his country despite the violence. “I am a bishop, I am a shepherd, I must be there until the Lord calls me elsewhere,” he said. “I will not leave my nation and my people.” Reprinted with permission of the Assyrian International News Agency, Aziz Asks for Speedy Execution Iraq’s former deputy premier Tareq Aziz has called on Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki to accelerate his execution because of his worsening health, his lawyer told AFP on August 17. “His health condition is very poor and he asked me to convey PHOTO BY EMAD MATTI / AP :()*+, ر&%‏ !"#$ +145, (0123 أ.+ى ‏,ُ;:ِ#َتْ‏ 0451/ +, 0123" ‏/#/.ك +, ا()'"&‏ #$% !" و(=‏ آب ‏(‏JK‏.ن #:EF 0451/ G)'H +, أCD !" أA‏@.%?.‏ VW2 أ‎3O ,+ اETU‏:'ر ا(‏Rي وPD ,+ ا(‏‎0%'4‎ ا(.ا‎3Oة وا(‏W1‎‏_‏ [5D.K)'\ ^@'O;'ً اXYZ‏+.‏ ‏/.م،‏ ‏,`ن ا(`ب و\‏V4Y J1%‎‏'وا PD.d) #2#eF دوت ‏/.ر/‏‎5‎‏&‏ أ(‏‎5‎‏'س ‏/'ن ً';j.kY" ‏%‏‎31‎‏"'أiُ‎‏#ِجَ‏ و%'‏fKXg "! /0451 ‏"'ر أ,#ام ‏(‏‎2#4X‏'ن ا(`رH‏.ذو/&‏ C@D دmg'D F= ذ(‏p ‏\.ا‎0oA ‏/'در ا(`"!‏ ‏"‏‎3rودة "! وD‏.ع ا('‏ET‏:'ر . +, ا(‏‎0451J 3r\ أن ر^‏‎3‎ 0@/#" CdYF أtuvة .0s.@$" ,+ ‏"‏r‏#ض إ\‏fy'X %! ا(‏Y‏'دث ‏(""‏‎0dk1‎ ا(‏‎3%'4dة ا()‏‎02#5‎ ا(‏‎05J5).H'J &g'1JX) ا(‏‎0v'KYd‏"،‏ D‏'ل ا(‏od‏#ان (.2& A'/. !" ر‎5g‏&‏ أ‎0ED'A ‏/#/.ك ‏"ا(‏‎5‎‏.م dv's‏.ا /0451 أi‏#ى . ‎32‎ري "! dv'u2‎‏.ا ‎3yاً،‏ رCv د‎2‎‏!‏ أو ا(‏‎5XWd‏!؟"‏ أ,#ام"‏ ا(‏‎0451J ‏""'ر أن أ^@‏Y‏]‏ r اoZ‏#ان ‎3YFث ا('(‏‎0‎ ,+ ‏/#/.ك rKF‏#ض ‏(‏u‏:.م Rsا ا($‏u‏#.‏ C@e, أA‏@.%?‏ ً';@2#eF Å@Ç)'\ و,+‏ وD‏]‏ "@J# ,+ ا(‏W‏@'ح أÇ2‎‏;'ً،‏ اET‏:#ت ‎5A‏'رة "E))0 /0451 31% ا(‏‎0Xg'r ا‎0A3eZ ‏(‏‎2#4X‏'ن ا(‏p5).H'J و\'(‏e‏#ب "! /0451 أ‎05X5:T‏،‏ و‎3D أ^‏V5‎ v‏#اء ذ(‏p ً';W(Ñ %$# 0HÖH ,+ ا‎1Z‏'زل اZ‏:'ورة 0451JX) v‏#وح =udkr" .0E5Eá وD‏'ل اoZ‏#ان A'/. إن اETU‏:'ر ا‎#5ià "#/t ,+ ا‎0123Z ‏/'ن اà‏/@#‏ =oO fTà أH‏'ث ا(‏‎0451J وF‏#ك ً';@eH ا(#‏‎45g‏+.‏ 'uog'O +, ًÖg's أ"‏‎8‎‏!‏ ‏&+ا@?‏ $% ‏;‏‎789:7‎ء ‏;‏Dده E? 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He asked this because of his dangerous health condition. He is suffering.” Aref said Aziz was being treated well in prison, but was suffering from diabetes, high blood pressure, heart problems, prostate problems and stomach ulcers. Aziz, a Chaldean and a close confi dante of now-executed dictator Saddam Hussein, was sentenced to death in October after having been found guilty of “deliberate murder and crimes against humanity.” The Vatican, the European Union and several Western governments have called on Baghdad for clemency for Aziz. President Jalal Talabani, who must approve the execution order before it is carried out, has said he would not sign it. – Reprinted with permission of the Assyrian International News Agency, 14 CHALDEAN NEWS SEPTEMBER 2011

Thinking about Reshaping Your Nose? Ask the Expert, Dr. Masri Unhappy with your nose? It’s never too late to do something about it. And Haitham Masri, MD, FACS, is just the man for the job. BEFORE AFTER Dr. Masri recently completed rhinoplasty on a 65-yearold man who had always hated the hump on his nose. “He was retiring and he finally got it done,” Dr. Masri said. “He’s very happy with it.” Board certified by the American Board of Otolaryngology (ABOto) and the American Board of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery (ABFPRS), Dr. Masri has more than 20 years of experience in all types of facial plastic and cosmetic surgery. His offices in Dearborn and Birmingham offer procedures as simple as Botox and Restylane cosmetic injectables and as complex as facelifts, eyelid surgery, tummy tucks and breast implants. Many members of the Chaldean community are among Dr. Masri’s patients, particularly those looking to change the large nose that has been passed down through generations of Chaldeans. Though young teens may yearn for rhinoplasty it is best to wait until the nose is fully formed, he said, which means ages14 or 15 for girls and 16 or 17 for boys. Chaldean skin often presents a special challenge that Dr. Masri handles with ease. “Chaldeans usually tend to have thick skin and that can actually hide the work,” he said. “So first I do the rhinoplasty and then afterwards we laser-treat the skin to shrink it down.” Dr. Masri is one of the few plastic surgeons who performs two types of nose surgery: the traditional internal procedure in which the cartridge is shaved down; and the less common external procedure in which the skin is also cut and lift to create a more appealing appearance. A good plastic surgeon levels with his patients about what they can expect, and that is exactly what Dr. Masri does. “Patients need to have a realistic expectation about what their nose will end up looking like,” he said. “Computer imaging only gives an idea of the end result and I make sure that the patients understand that. It’s important to go into the surgery (which is conducted on an out-patient basis) with no doubts.” There is no cookie-cutter approach at the Masri Clinic; each nose is treated as a unique entity that must fit with the entire face to look natural and attractive. Patients also gain confidence from Dr. Masri’s experience in ear/nose/throat medicine, which helps ensure no breathing problems after the surgery. “Word of mouth has been our best advertisement,” Dr. Masri said. “Especially in the Chaldean community.” MASRI CLINIC FOR LASER AND COSMETIC SURGERY HAS LOCATIONS IN DEARBORN AND BIRMINGHAM AND SERVES LOYAL PATIENTS ACROSS MICHIGAN. VISIT WWW.MASRICLINIC.COM, OR CALL (866) 487-3223 TO LEARN MORE. SEPTEMBER 2011 CHALDEAN NEWS 15




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