chaldean on the STREET Is there a division between east and west side Chaldeans? By Anthony Samona The separation between east side and west side Chaldeans has long been a topic highly talked about in the community, as seen here in these diverse opinions. There is a slight divide, but it has gotten better over the past few years. Fortunately, many more Chaldeans are attending college, especially commuting schools like Oakland University and Wayne State, where both east and west side Chaldeans have found a common ground. Also group activities such as sports, Bible study and volunteering among the community at large will help to merge the two sides. The more we integrate in a positive way, the less division there will be. Mary Nafsou, 32 Rochester Hills There always has been a divide. Some Chaldeans think of it as a “funny” topic to talk about. I always hear remarks such as, “the stuck-up westsiders” or the “cocky east-siders.” Some west-siders view east-siders as “loud and obnoxious” and some east-siders view the west side as “snobby and high maintenance.” Chaldeans shouldn’t be given names just based on where we live. We should be treated and looked at all the same. Tania Bakko, 17 West Bloomfield It doesn’t really faze me, but there are definitely people who make it a huge deal. It’s just another version of whatever village people come from. Some people act like the other “side” is another world and they’re so different from each other. If that’s the case, what about the Chaldeans in other states and countries? Should we look at them differently for the same reasons? In the end, we’re all Chaldean, we’re all Catholic, and we should all respect each other. Miranda Samona, 23 West Bloomfield I have friends on both the east and west sides and, yes; there are some differences. But ultimately the differences are based on how they were raised by their families, not where they were raised. All Chaldeans were brought up with the same values and morals that our parents and grandparents instilled in us. Either way, we all have teased hair or all the boys drown themselves in cologne. Jessica Samona, 24 Shelby Twp. No, I personally believe there is no east and west side divide between Chaldeans. When Chaldeans refer to another Chaldean by an “east-sider” or “west-sider” they are simply just referring what area in the community they live in. It shouldn’t be anything to cause a controversy about. It’s what Chaldeans make it. Fadi Akkam, 17 Sterling Heights When I am at the E.C.R.C. in West Bloomfield, I barely see Chaldeans from the east side. What we have to do to avoid this separation is for the community to come together, and it has to start from the church. We need help from our pastors and to support other churches when they hold events. Camp Chaldean in Brighton is also a place for Chaldeans from all over to come together. I personally do not like when I hear east side and west side. We are all part of one Chaldean community. Munther Zora, 53 West Bloomfield The differences are what we make it. As one community, we have to learn to be more religious and understand that everyone is equal and we are all children of God. These “east and west side remarks” can easily go away by putting our Catholic faith in our minds first. Many Chaldeans love to compete when really there is no difference. If one takes a family from the east side and moves them to the west side, their family value is still the same. They have the same faith, same culture, and all the same traits that make us who we are: Chaldean. Ghazawan Kashat, 39 Sterling Heights There is a division. Unfortunately, this issue has been dividing our community for a long time. Not only are we judging other cultures and races, but our own people based on which side of Woodward they reside. One solution is for Chaldeans to be more open minded and learn to accept that it doesn’t matter where we live, we are the same people. Another way to bring the community together would be to hold events with east and west side churches together. Having the churches involved is always the best solution. Tony Kashat, 29 West Bloomfield There is a big difference. The west-siders I know seem to approach themselves as if they were better than us east-siders with comments such as, “We have bigger houses and drive expensive cars.” In reality we too have the most amazing houses, not to mention Somerset Mall. These rude remarks are childish and immature. It shows how uneducated those who say it really are; same thing goes for the east-siders. These stereotypes should be kept aside and it would be nice to believe that one day, we can come together — although I personally believe there will always be a divide. Rula Katoula, 16 Sterling Heights No, I do not feel there is a division. There is only one Chaldean community, and that is all the Chaldeans in America. If others believe there is a divide between the east side and west side, then those people are saying that there are two or three Chaldean communities. You have to look at it from a cultural and religious perspective. We are all the same kind of people, with the same moral values. If someone asks me if I’m Chaldean, I’m not going to respond, “Yes, I’m Chaldean from the west side.” I will simply say that “I’m Chaldean” — and Chaldean only. Andrew Boji, 62 West Bloomfield 24 CHALDEAN NEWS SEPTEMBER 2010
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