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DEDDEH Continued from

DEDDEH Continued from page 43 elected to the California State Senate that same year. “Elias Kenaya said to me back than that as long as my name was going to be on a ballot, he would support me and he wrote me a check for 0.” Over the years, Deddeh met with many elected officials including U.S. presidents. In 1979 he was asked by the White House to escort President Jimmy Carter to Baghdad to help with diplomatic relations. That meeting was not successful, but Deddeh continued to make a significant mark in the political arena. Although a Democrat, Deddeh managed to become friends with then California Governor Ronald Reagan. In 1984 he was asked again to help with diplomatic relations with Iraq. In 1984, he negotiated with Tariq Azziz, a Chaldean in the Saddam Hussein administration, and this time the trip was a success. “People halholed in the streets during that visit,” he said. “I grew up in Baghdad and here I was an elected official from the United States giving hope to our Iraqis.” Senator Deddeh with former California Governor Pete Wilson; with close ally Ronald Reagan; and with Assemblyman Geo Plescia and Governor Arnold Schwartzenegger. Years later Deddeh still endearingly remembers the support from his fellow Chaldeans. “Our Chaldean founding fathers arrived in the U.S. at the turn of the 20th century. They couldn’t speak English, they couldn’t read or write the language and they had little if any money. But with hard work and SPECIAL REPORT C A L I F O R N I A faith in God, they made it. They are the pioneers and our heroes. We look to them for inspiration.” Today, Deddeh is comfortably nestled as a role model who, he hopes, has a divine influence on the younger generation. Last year, the State of California dedicated a 0-million transportation office building in San Diego to Deddeh. Nearly 150 Chaldeans attended the ceremony, including Bishop Sarhad Jammo. Deddeh may be retired but his voice still penetrates with power in the community. He recently spoke at a peace rally for Iraq in San Diego, garnering the attention of hundreds of Chaldeans protesting the war in their homeland. Deddeh and Mary Lynn have now been married 56 years. Their son Peter is a San Diego judge married to Aleta with three children, Trevor, 13, and twins Alex and Samantha, 11. A documentary is currently being produced depicting Deddeh’s life. “I am so honored someone wanted to capture my life on film,” he said, “and use it to educate the younger generations.” 44 CHALDEAN NEWS OCTOBER 2007

soccer crazed Anthony Petrus scores in elite league When Iraq won the Asian Cup on July 28, one soccer player in California was particularly excited. “I was extremely glad to see my country win that cup,” said Anthony Putrus of San Diego. “It was a great thing, and I’d love to try out for and play on their team myself one of these days.” Today, soccer is the most internationally watched sport. The 2006 World Cup had an estimated 33 million viewers. The popularity of the World Cup, which is held every four years, surpasses even that of the Olympic Games. Putrus, 21, has played soccer for 12 years, and he sees no end in sight. “My dad used to take my brothers and me BY OMAR BINNO to the park when we were younger,” Putrus recalled. “We used to play soccer there all the time. My parents eventually put us in a league and we’ve been playing ever since.” And obviously playing well: Putrus was named the 2007 Rookie of the Year by the United Soccer Leagues (USL), the largest organization of elite-level soccer leagues in North America. Putrus has attended California’s Notre Dame De Namur University since 2003, where he is studying kinesiology. “I’m in school now and my parents want to see me graduate, and that’s what I plan on doing,” said Putrus. “If I get drafted by a professional team though, I’ll jump on the opportunity right away.” He was drafted for a potential position as a rookie with the Los Angeles Galaxy, but fell short when the team picked up British soccer player David Beckham as its new member. Although soccer is not as popular in the U.S. as it is elsewhere, Putrus believes that will some day change. “It’s the most popular sport everywhere else in the world,” he said. “I think that in years to come, Americans are going to get more involved with it. It’s not as aggressive as football or basketball, but it’s more constant. In the other two sports, the players stop the action every few seconds. Soccer is more nonstop and constant.” With the USL, Petrus travels throughout the United States and Canada for competitions. “It’s a great league,” Putrus said. “It’s lots of fun. I plan to play soccer for as long as I can and to go as far as I can. I’d love to play in the big leagues one day, and to see this sport become as popular here as it is throughout the rest of the world.” Anthony Petrus S U B S C R I B E ! 12-MONTH SUBSCRIPTION: I wish to subscribe to the Chaldean News for 12 issues Please fill in your name and address below: Name _____________________________________________________________________________ Address_________________________________________________________________________________ City ________________________________________ State _____ Zip _____________________ Phone ______________________________ E-mail _____________________________ PLEASE MAIL THE FORM, WITH A CHECK MADE PAYABLE TO: THE CHALDEAN NEWS ATTN: SUBSCRIPTIONS 26555 EVERGREEN, SUITE 250, SOUTHFIELD, MI 48076 PHONE: 248-355-4850 WEB: WWW.CHALDEANNEWS.COM OCTOBER 2007 CHALDEAN NEWS 45




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