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still going strong

still going strong Southfield man celebrates 101 years When the family of Slewah Kalawa celebrated his 100th birthday last year at Shenandoah Country Club, loved ones were filled with mixed emotions and long years of memories. “One of the fondest memories of my dad was when I was a kid,” said his son Aiman. “He would wake me up every morning, make my bed, fix my breakfast and wait outside with me until the bus picked me up for school. Mind you, he was in his 70s and retired at that time.” Born October 1, 1906, Kalawa celebrates 101 years this month, and his life has certainly had its share of stories. He began working for the French Embassy in Iraq in his 20s, and the French ambassador invited him to come back to France to live. “I lived there for 10 years, from 1928 to 1938,” Kalawa recalled. “The ambassador’s kids loved me and grew quite attached to me.” “My father loved living in France, and he loved the ambassador and his children,” said his daughter Ibtisam. Because he lacked the necessary paperwork, Kalawa was unable to remain living in France. So BY OMAR BINNO PHOTO BY DAVID REED Slewah Kalawa and his daughter, Ibtisam. he returned to Iraq, where he brought back many French recipes with him. On his return, he worked as a chef for the Swiss Embassy. “My dad was cooking by himself right up until a year ago,” Aiman said. “He learned to cook up some great French food, as well as the usual Chaldean favorites — rizza and maraka and dolma (rice and soup and stuffed grape leaves).” Kalawa lived alone for most of his life, until he married in 1943. In 1974, Kalawa immigrated with his wife, five daughters and two sons to the United States. It was the start of a new life, and one which he and his wife were looking forward to. “My dad was the only male in his family,” Aiman said. “The family had three generations in which there was only one male in each family. My dad was the first to have two boys in the family.” Tragically though, the joy of being the first to have two boys was cut short in 1986, when Arkan, the elder of the two brothers, was murdered in a robbery at the family store. “I remember the time well,” Aiman said. “It was the first time I had ever seen my father break down and cry. Not only was he the first guy in three generations to have two males in the family, but now one of his own sons was taken away from us by violence.” Kalawa has demonstrated extraordinary resilience to aging. Considering his age, his health both physically and mentally is exceptional. “We did a documentary on him last year and he was able to remember a tremendous amount of detail,” Aiman said. “His teeth are still there, and he can still walk and get around the house on his own. He doesn’t use a single pill for medication.” Kalawa speaks Sourath, Arabic, Kurdish, French and Turkish. “We managed to learn some French swear words from my dad,” Aiman said. “There were times where he’d get ticked off and resort to swearing in French.” 22 CHALDEAN NEWS OCTOBER 2007

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