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CHAI time CHALDEANS CONNECTING COMMUNITY EVENTS IN AND AROUND METRO DETROIT OCTOBER 2007 CIDER [Monday, October 1] Compassionate Cuts: Blush Salon offers discount () haircuts with all proceeds benefiting The Pink Fund, which supplies short-term financial aid to breast cancer patients. 11 a.m.-7 p.m.; lunch and champagne toast at 2 p.m. 2169 Pontiac Trail, Commerce Township. (248) 960-7499. [Tuesday, October 2] Saddam’s Secrets: Assyrian General Georges Sada discusses his years spent working directly for Saddam Hussein. He is now director of the Iraqi Institute of Peace. 8 p.m., Shenandoah Country Club. Minimum donation is (tax deductible); proceeds benefit the Chaldean Federation of America’s Adopt-A-Refugee Family program. (248) 424-8311. Love the Skin You’re In: Learn about managing skin conditions such as rosacea and products that help mask scars and tattoos. Part of Henry Ford West Bloomfield Hospital’s “Hot Topics In Women’s Health” series. 6:30 p.m., Henry Ford Design Center, 2001 Dallavo Drive, Suite 102, Commerce Township. Free; register at (800) 436-7936 or [Wednesday, October 3] CIAAM: General Membership meeting begins at 7:30 p.m. at Shenandoah Country Club. From 7-7:30, light appetizers and soft drinks will be served. [Friday, October 5 – Saturday, October 6] Motor City Blues & Boogie Woogie Festival: Wide variety of American musicians take the stage at Detroit’s Music Hall Center for the Performing Arts for performances recorded for public television. [Wednesday, October 10] What Every Woman Needs to Know about Back Pain: Discussion of common back pain problems includes prevention and the treatment of osteoporosis. Part of Henry Ford West Bloomfield Hospital’s “Hot Topics In Women’s Health” series. 6:30 p.m., Henry Ford Design Center, 2001 Dallavo Drive, Suite 102, Commerce Township. Free; register at (800) 436- 7936 or [Thursday, October 11] Hospitality Industry Outlook: Chaldean American Chamber of Commerce sponsors a panel discussion on the economic outlook and future opportunities in the hospitality industry. 7 p.m., Shenandoah Country Club, West Bloomfield. (248) 538-3700 or [Friday, October 12] A Day in the Life: Autism Society of Michigan’s Fall Conference features Dr. Temple Grandin speaking of her experiences with living with autism. Holiday Inn South, Lansing. (800) 223-6722 or [Sunday, October 14] Heritage Festival: Annual event features parade with children wearing ethnic clothing, arts and crafts, entertainment, informational booths, food and a fashion show. Farmington Public Schools teacher Suzan Dabish said organizers hope for more Chaldean participants this year. Free admission. 12:30-5:30 p.m., William Costick Center, 28600 11 Mile Road, Farmington Hills. [Thursday, October 18] Employment Law Seminar: Annual event from Miller Canfield includes recent developments in employment law, planning for layoffs and litigation, dealing with retiree benefits and more. . 8 a.m.-4:30 p.m., MSU Management Education Center, 811 W. Square Lake Road, Troy. (313) 496- 7548 or [Friday, October 19] Halloween Party: Fun for kids at Shenandoah Country Club. Call for details: (248) 454-1932. [Thursday, October 25] Getting in Touch with the Inner You: Discussion includes dealing with depression, substance abuse and the emotions of life changes. Part of Henry Ford West Bloomfield Hospital’s “Hot Topics In Women’s Health” series. 6:30 p.m., Henry Ford Design Center, 2001 Dallavo Drive, Suite 102, Commerce Township. Free; register at (800) 436-7936 or [Friday, October 26] Halloween Party: It’s the adults’ turn to dress up and celebrate at Shenandoah Country Club. Call for details: (248) 454-1932. [Wednesday, November 7] The Scintas: Popular Las Vegas act is expected to draw more than 600 people to Shenandoah Country Club. Tickets are 0 each (includes dinner) and must be reserved in tables of 10. Rene, (248) 454-1932. [Friday, November 16] Change Your Mind and You Can Change Your Life: Law of Attraction Workshop teaches how to journal, create dreamboards and meditate. 7 p.m., Royal Oak Medical Center, 5130 Coolidge Highway, Royal Oak.(248) 935-6000. [Friday, November 23] Reunion: West Bloomfield High School Class of 1997 holds a 10-year reunion. 7 p.m., Radisson Kingsley Hotel in Bloomfield Hills. MILLS APPLE PICKING & ASHTON ORCHARDS & CIDER MILL 3925 Seymour Lake Road, Ortonville (248) 627-6671 DIEHL’S ORCHARD AND CIDER MILL 1479 Ranch, Holly (248) 634-8981 FRANKLIN CIDER MILL 7450 Franklin Road, Bloomfield Hills (248) 626-2968 LONG FAMILY ORCHARD & FARM 1342 Commerce Road, Commerce Twp. (248) 360-3774 PAINT CREEK CIDER MILL 4480 Orion Road, Rochester Hills (248) 651-8361 PARMENTER’S NORTHVILLE CIDER MILL 714 Baseline Road, Northville (248) 349-3181 YATES CIDER MILL 1950 E. Avon, Rochester Hills (248) 651-8300 12 CHALDEAN NEWS OCTOBER 2007





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