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from the EDITOR

from the EDITOR PUBLISHED BY Chaldean News, LLC Chaldean Community Foundation Martin Manna EDITORIAL ACTING EDITOR IN CHIEF Paul Jonna MANAGING EDITOR Sarah Kittle CONTRIBUTING WRITERS Danielle Alexander Azal Arabo Christina Ayar Crystal Jabiro Dr. Brandon Karmo Sarah Kittle Adhid Miri, PhD Paul Natinsky ART & PRODUCTION CREATIVE DIRECTOR Alex Lumelsky with SKY Creative GRAPHIC DESIGNER Zina Lumelsky with SKY Creative SALES Interlink Media Sana Navarrette SUBSCRIPTIONS: PER YEAR CONTACT INFORMATION Story ideas: Advertisements: Subscription and all other inquiries: Chaldean News 30095 Northwestern Hwy, Suite 101 Farmington Hills, MI 48334 Phone: (248) 851-8600 Publication: The Chaldean News (P-6); Published monthly; Issue Date: October 2020 Subscriptions: 12 months, . Publication Address: 30095 Northwestern Hwy., Suite 101, Farmington Hills, MI 48334; Permit to mail at periodicals postage rates is on file at Farmington Hills Post Office Postmaster: Send address changes to “The Chaldean News 30095 Northwestern Hwy., Suite 101, Farmington Hills, MI 48334” Defending Democracy Can we talk about democracy? Having open discussions with an an exchange of ideas is central to democracy. Everyone, and I mean everyone has an opinion, and – this is key – they have a right to that opinion. Free thought, freedom of expression, free speech; these all exist in our America. Although I wasn’t born in Iraq, I’ve heard enough stories about suppression, oppression and tyranny to know how lucky I am to live here in these United States. Our two-party system isn’t perfect, but it’s the best ever created by man, and the fact that we have a choice at all is something we should not take for granted. As a trained attorney, I know PAUL JONNA ACTING EDITOR IN CHIEF about the importance of debate and listening to others. Opinions are formed in the process of open discussion. Healthy disagreement leads to compromise, and divergence of views can enrich our history and culture, but only if a mutual respect exists between the debating parties. Democracy, or the government “of the people, by the people, for the people” has existed in its current incarnation for just over 200 years in America. For it to continue, we need to remember that hand-in-hand with democratic values, we must value respect. Selfrespect guides our morals and respect for others guides our manners. We’ve heard from some of you, our readers, who’ve written in with opinions on articles and topics we’ve covered. We appreciate each and every one of you and value your opinions. We know that many people have different beliefs, even those who share common values. Let’s not let those differences divide us. We cannot allow democracy to suffer because we can’t agree. Civil discourse may not be the norm nowadays, but I propose we bring it back. Let’s stick to the issues and make our best decision based on policy, not personality. Remember, democracy is something we aspire to. With Gratitude, Paul Jonna Acting Editor in Chief BAN MANNA EXAMINER STEVE SUOLAKA EXAMINER AUTOMOBILE & MOTORCYCLE TESTING Road Skills Testing for Adults and Teenagers 30095 NORTHWESTERN HWY, SUITE 65A • FARMINGTON HILLS, MI 48334 DRIVER’S EDUCATION (SEGMENT 1 & 2) • TEENS & ADULTS WEST BLOOMFIELD HIGH SCHOOL 4925 ORCHARD LAKE ROAD • WEST BLOOMFIELD, MI 48322 248-535-5855 • New York Life Congratulates Gabriel H. Sinawi CLU®, ChFC® for 40 Years of Service PRODUCTS AND SERVICES OFFERED: Individual Life Insurance, IRAs , SEPs and 529 Plans # , Fixed Immediate and, Defferred Annuities * , Variable Annuities # , Mutual Funds # , Health Insurance ** , Medicare Supplemental Insurance ** CONTACT: Gabriel H. Sinawi CLU®, ChFC® Agent, New York Life Insurance Company Registered Reppresentitive of NYLIFE Securities LLC Member (FINRA/SIPC), a Licensed Insurance Agency EMAIL: PHONE: 248-357-8971 FAX: 248-286-6304 ADDRESS: 27777 Franklin Dr, Suite 2220, Southfield, MI 48034 *Issued by New York Life Insurance Company or New York Life Insurance and Annuity Corperation #Securities offered through NYLIFE Securities LLC (member FINRA/SIPC). **Products available through one or more carriers not affiliated with New York Life, dependent on carrier authorization and product availability in your state or locality. SMRU 522091 6 CHALDEAN NEWS NOVEMBER 2020

your LETTERS Single Issue Voting? Dear Chaldean News Editors, I thank Fr. Shammami for discussing in the last publication the issue of single-issue voting, although I respectfully reach a different conclusion than his. First, the piece does not take into account that if abortion is outlawed, it will simply move underground to be performed in ways unsafe for the woman. There is also an implied assumption in his piece that if one votes for pro-life candidates and if those win, abortion will stop, but that it will increase if we vote for pro-choice candidates. But history does not support such an assumption. Since the 1970s, most Supreme Court Justices have been selected by Republican Presidents; yet those Judges continued to uphold Roe vs. Wade (the decision which allowed a woman to terminate pregnancy within the first 12 weeks). A possible reason is that the Court reflects the view of the majority of Americans that termination of pregnancy during the very early embryo stage is not equivalent to a killing of a baby. Another statistic is that abortion dropped under Democratic presidents more than under Republicans. Why? I believe the reason is that Democrats are more interested in reducing unwanted pregnancies by funding proper sex education and providing the means to avoid unwanted pregnancies. On the other hand, I am convinced that for many Republican politicians, pro-life stands are a vote-getting strategy, with little effort to actually reduce unwanted pregnancies. That is why I believe a single-issue voting is a poor choice, as one is letting himself be manipulated by politicians, not all of whom believe in what they claim. Respectfully, N. Peter Antone LET US DESIGN YOUR DREAM KITCHEN WE’REHIRING! FREE In-Home Estimates Full Remodeling Services Available Shelby Township • West Bloomfield • 586.930.1701 SEASONAL, FULL TIME AND PART TIME MEDICAL, DENTAL, VISION, 401K, TUITION REIMBURSEMENT Apply in person at any Nino’s or visit us online at St. Clair Shores 27900 Harper Ave. 586-778-3650 Clinton Township 17496 Hall Rd. 586-412-6000 Troy 6835 Rochester Rd. 248-879-9222 Bloomfield Township 6592 Telegraph Rd. 248-970-7000 NOVEMBER 2020 CHALDEAN NEWS 7




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