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CHAI time chaldeans

CHAI time chaldeans conNecting community events in and around metro detroit NOVEMBER 2013 [Saturday, November 2] College: Students and faculty of Madonna University will be available on campus to talk to prospective undergraduate students and their families and give a tour of the campus. 10 a.m.-to 2 p.m. [Tuesday, November 5 – Sunday, November 10] Theater: The musical Mamma Mia! plays the Fisher Theater. Tuesday-Saturday shows start at 8 p.m. and the Sunday evening show is at 7:30 p.m. Visit Ticketmaster for tickets. Children 5 years and younger not allowed. [Thursday, November 7] Shopping: CALC’s 12th Annual Shopping Extravaganza takes place from 5-10 p.m. at Shenandoah Country Club. [Friday, November 8] Veterans: The Pistons, who take on Oklahoma City at the Palace of Auburn Hills, honor veterans with Hoops for Troops, which supports Partnership for Giving. The event includes special military recognition, a color guard performance and the opportunity to take a post-game shot on the court. 7:30 p.m. for more information (password is Troops). [Saturday, November 9] Parade: The Eighth Annual Detroit Veterans Day Parade & Ceremonies take place at 2951 Woodward Avenue. Program starts at 9 a.m. and the parade begins at 10. Join more than 3,000 participants including veteran organizations, youth groups, marching bands and service organizations. [Wednesday, November 13] Film: Red Carpet Premier of “Detroit Unleaded,” directed by Rola Nashef and starring EJ Assi, Nada Shouhayib and others, at the Detroit Institute of Arts. The evening is a fundraiser for FDFT in support of the Detroit Film Theater. Festivities begin at 6 p.m. and the film screens at 8. Tickets are and . (313) 833-4005. [Wednesday, November 13] Chamber: Annual Meeting and Elections for the Chaldean American Chamber of Commerce take place at Shenandoah Country Club. 6-9 p.m. [Thursday, November 21] Symphony: The 41st Annual Nutcracker Luncheon & Boutique is held at the Detroit Athletic Club from 10:30 a.m.- 3 p.m. The event benefits the Detroit Symphony Orchestra and includes a Somerset Collection mini shopping gallery and luncheon. (313) 576-5154. [Thursday, November 21] Fundraiser: Habitat for Humanity of Oakland County hosts first signature fundraiser at the Townsend Hotel in Birmingham with music by Alexander Zonjic and a program on hidden poverty in Oakland County. Susie Mansoor is a committee chair. Tickets are 5 and 0. (248) 338-1843 ext. 226. [Thursday, November 28] Thanksgiving: The Thanksgiving Parade has the theme “Downtown Our Town.” Steps off at 8:45 a.m. on Woodward Avenue and Kirby and ends at Woodward and Congress in downtown Detroit. And a happy Hanukkah to our Jewish friends, whose holiday begins the night before. [Wednesday, December 4] Festival: The 37th annual A Sterling Christmas is held from 5:45-8:30 p.m. at Dodge Park. The holiday festival includes horsedrawn wagon rides, a petting farm, visits with Santa, refreshments and pony rides. Canned and boxed food will be collected for the needy. Dodge Park, 40620 Utica Road, Sterling Heights. (586) 446 2700. All backed by our 30-Day Money-Back Comcast Customer Guarantee 99 XFINITY ® Economy Plus Internet a month for 12 months (for 1 whole year) Best way to save. All year long. Right now you can get XFINITY Internet at a great price for an entire year! Make the most of your time online. XFINITY ® delivers the fastest in‐home WiFi for all rooms, all devices, all the time. Get started with Economy Plus Internet with reliably fast download speeds – up to 3 Mbps – to quickly browse your favorite websites, share photos with friends, stay in touch via email, and more. 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WiFi claim based on August 2012 study of comparable in-home wireless routers by Allion Test Labs, Inc. Money-Back Guarantee limited to one month recurring service and standard installation charges up to 0. Call for restrictions and complete details. © 2013 Comcast. All rights reserved. Constant Guard ® and associated logos are trademarks or federally registered trademarks of Comcast Corporation. For details about Constant Guard ® for Macintosh, visit Norton is a registered mark of Symantec Corporation. AR_CN 14 StayInTouch_Arabic_HSI_Ad_9x5.917_ChaldeanNews_Sep13.indd CHALDEAN NEWS NOVEMBER 2013 1 9/27/13 8:24 AM

NEWS CHALDEAN AMERICAN LADIES OF CHARITY 1961 – 2013 President’s Message: Dear Fellow Members and Friends of CALC, The CALC stands at a historic moment—a time of great opportunity, unbounded optimism, and infi nite possibility. Today, CALC is seizing the opportunity to take another signifi cant leap forward and expand the CALC’s impact on the community. To achieve our goal, we are embarking on the most ambitious fundraising campaign in the history of CALC. Our goal is to raise .5 million— million will establish an Endowment for all our programs to provide support for individuals and families in the community. 0,000 will provide immediate support for the purchase of permanent location, capital projects and infrastructure. Please see the article on this page to learn more about our Capital Campaign. While we have achieved a great deal, there is much more to do as we march toward our goal. Let us move forward with passion, but also with purpose. And most of all, let us be mindful of why we are supporting the CALC. The CALC was built by the entire Chaldean community—idea by idea, achievement by achievement, gift by gift, generation after generation. I invite you to join us on this epic journey. As you learn more about CALC and this campaign, I hope you will consider becoming an active participant in shaping CALC’s future and think about the positive impact you can make in the community through CALC. The future is ours to create. Let us write the most glorious chapter ever for the CALC. CHALDEAN AMERICAN LADIES OF CHARITY 2033 AUSTIN DRIVE, TROY, MI 48083 (248) 528-0130 WWW.CALCONLINE.ORG Event Sponsor Society’s Problems Are Better Solved Through Community Effort For the past 52 years, CALC has provided critical services needed to bring safety and stability to individuals, orphans, widows and many families in the community. Financial assistance is provided to needy families to help with basic necessities, such as rent, food for the hungry, clothing, household items, and utility payments. This support for the needy is funded through your private donations and from those of you who sponsor, attend and support our various fundraising events, which all help to support our mission. This year, through July 2013, CALC has provided individuals and families with the following items: • Mattresses and individual beds for six families • 166 pieces of bedroom furniture: dressers, nightstands, • 83 Sofas, loveseats, chairs • 93 Kitchen and Dining Tables & Chairs • 49 TVs units, wall units, and coffee/end tables • 32 kitchen appliances • 1702 dishes glassware and cookware and housewares items • 20 Large appliances, refrigerators, stoves, freezers, dryers, TVs • 2 computers • 200 pillows, blankets and comforters • 14 baby cribs and car seats • Over 113 large bags of clothing • Over 24,000 pounds of food through the AFPD Food Pantry for families and individuals who suffer from hunger • Additional, direct emergency fi nancial assistance of over ,902 was provided to needy and homeless families in the community through July. THANK YOU FOR CARING. CALC has moved to Troy, Michigan. We have consolidated our Basic Needs Center Warehouse and our corporate offi ces in one building. We hope you can stop by and visit us and learn more about our plans to have this new 12,000 square foot building location be home to all community members who need our services and for those of you who can help us with providing services. Save the Date: SHOPPING EXTRAVAGANZA NOVEMBER 7, 2013 SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAM DEADLINE FOR APPLICATIONS NOVEMBER 15, 2013 CHRISTMAS FAMILY PROGRAM KICK OFF OCTOBER 10, 2013 ADVENT BY CANDLELIGHT DECEMBER 5, 2013 CHRISTMAS STORYTIME DECEMBER 2013 CALC GALA FEBRAURY 1, 2014 CALC 1 ST ANNUAL MEN & WOMEN CLASSIC GOLF OUTING JUNE 2014 CALC kicks off Capital Campaign CALC has announced the launch of a capital and endowment campaign to raise .5 million to increase the resources available for those in our community who are in need of services. The effort, called Opening Doors to the Future is the largest fundraising effort in CALC’s history. A growth of 75% in clients served over the last ten years has created expansion in basic needs services, special programming and activities and staff. CALC has relocated the agency to a 12,000 square foot building and is planning to purchase and renovate this building, which will allow us to more fully carry out our mission to serve families that need our help. The location is centrally located in Troy, Michigan to serve all segments of the community. The Capital Campaign Fund will help purchase and renovate this new building to help better serve the needs of our community. The Endowment If you are interested in becoming a member of CALC, please contact our office for a membership application or you can join by going to our website at Fund will provide future funding for programs that provide support for individuals and families in the community. The new CALC Center will be a place, unlike most, where families are greeted warmly, readily accepted, grow and prosper with our help. Here will be the necessary help for families that need support to gain stability and independence. Here will be opportunities for social, recreational and peer interaction as clients are assisted in their time of need. Here counseling services will be available. Here is a place they can call their own. The new CALC Center will house a Basic Needs Center, Drop-In Center, counseling and supportive services in a private setting and administrative offi ces. Services Basic Needs Support – The new CALC offi ces will provide more capacity to house our Basic Needs Center that helps stabilize families in crisis by meeting their basic needs. At the Center we will be able to collect and distribute furniture, bedding, mattresses, clothing, and other household items to provide critical services that will bring safety and stability to refugees, widows and many individuals and families in need. We will also be expanding our Food Pantry allowing us to feed more families facing hunger challenges. Drop In Center – A Drop In Center will a be a safe, structured, and supportive place for clients to go during the week. Organized activities, such as English classes, mentoring sessions, social skills workshops will be provided to adults, youth and senior citizens and will help build on client strengths and teach them important skills for success. Other Activities at the new CALC offices will include: Health Education workshops, Job Training and Job Search Assistance, Translation Services, Housing Assistance, Family/Group Counseling Support, Transportation and other important services. NADIA ATISHA EDUCATION FUND and SAMIR A. PAULUS SCHOLARSHIP FUND Nadia Atisha Education Fund and the Samir Paulus Scholarship Fund provide fi nancial support to high school seniors and college students from the Chaldean community in the state of Michigan. Application Deadline: November 15, 2013 Go to to download the applications. Long recognized as one of the premier community service agencies in the Chaldean community, CALC is gaining prominence for excellence in service and outreach and in promoting advancement of the Chaldean community. This campaign will bring us together as Chaldeans to build a stronger future and a better tomorrow both for ourselves and our children. This is our Chaldean community and we must take care of our community. We need 100 per cent participation from the community to help us no matter how small or large your donation. We hope you will join us in ensuring the future success of the community by making a contribution to CALC’s Opening Doors to the Future Campaign.You can make a donation by mail by sending your donation payable to CALC and marked “capital campaign.” Or you can make a donation at our website at For additional information, please contact Jane Shallal at the CALC offi ce at 248.538.8300.




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