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events 2 3 1 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 chaldean idol It was a packed house at Southfield’s Regency Manor on October 21 as 10 singers competed to become the new Chaldean Idol. Christopher “Slim” Arafat from 95.5 served as host and Renee Murad from My Cuzin’s Radio Show was in the back doing interviews. Hundreds of friends and family members were on hand to cheer on their favorites. Candice Nofar won the title; runners-up were Danielle Bahoora and Lennon Kyriakoza. Proceeds from the event benefitted COACH. – Crystal Kassab Jabiro 1. Candice Nofar – The Chaldean Idol 2. Sarah Markus 3. Anglia Kassab, Reem Samona and Antonia Kassab 4. Chanel Shamami 5. George Georgis and his mom, Hanan Setto 6. Lennon Kyriakoza 7. Karin Gibrael 8. Maryam Bajawa 9. The judges: Martin Khemurro, Fay Samona and Peter Zora 10. Sydney Yaldo 11. Loyes Bitti 12. Channtall Asmaro 13. An enthusiastic audience 54 CHALDEAN NEWS NOVEMBER 2011

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