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events 1 2 4 5 8 7 3 passion for fashion Photos by David Reed Shenandoah Country Club was transformed into a runway on October 9 for Passion for Fashion, a fundraiser for the Chaldean Federation of America. The event was presented by CFA’s NextGen group. 6 9 1. Who are those masked women? 2. Dena Jabrail, Dianna Rasha, Lindsey Stephan and Sadeem Bacall 3. Co-chairs Veronica Kassab and Candace Dickow 4. Joe Kassab and Nadal Kassab, Shatha Ibrahim and Sandra Sheena 5. Niran Shina, Hanaa Shina, Nagham Attisha, Summer Sattan, Sanya Jabero and Sandra Shina 6. The audience watches with a keen eye 7. Going toe to toe 8. Natalie Kiezi captures the moment 9. Michael George struts his stuff 40 CHALDEAN NEWS NOVEMBER 2009

1 5 2 1. Bianca Audish and Chelsea Harrak show their allegiance 2. West takes the field 3. Holly Ishiya and Marina Akarawi wear their loyalties on their face 4. Sandy and Sahar Jirjise after the game 5. East and West 6. Quarterback Skyee Atchoo, the Westside’s unofficial MVP 7. They’re No. 1! 8. Eastside Quarterback Sandy Jirjise (with ball) was her team’s unofficial MVP 6 7 3 4 8 powder puff football Photos by David Reed East battled West in the first-ever Chaldean Powder Puff flag football game, played on October 17 at West Bloomfield High School. The exciting game went into double-overtime, with East emerging victorious, 13-6. NOVEMBER 2009 CHALDEAN NEWS 41




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