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HALHOLE! [Births] Come

HALHOLE! [Births] Come and experience a great dental visit. Valerie Hailo, a Chaldean and Arabic speaking dental assistant, will make your child’s visit fun and positive. Joseph Kais Joseph Kais Chiaffredo born in Atlanta, Georgia, at 4:25 p.m. on December 7, 2008. He weighed 8 lbs. and stretched out at 21.25 inches. Proud firsttime parents are Tony & Mary (Kalou) Chiaffredo. Grandparents are Robert & Janice Chiaffredo and Kaeis & Suhaila Kalou. Godparents are Paul Chiaffredo and Clara Kalou. God bless Joseph always. Sophia Marie A miracle has come to be with this addition to our family tree. Big brother Landon is excited to announce his baby sister Sophia Marie Johnes, born on June 12, 2009, weighing 6 lbs., 8 oz. and measuring 19.5 inches. Proud parents are Wesam & Amanda Johnes. Sophia is the second grandchild for Joseph & Flowrans Johnes and the fourth for Habib & Juliette Kakos. Loving godparent is Leena Johnes. Zachary Andrew God has blessed proud parents Jason & Kristina Kado with their first child, Zachary Andrew. Zachary was born at 12:05 p.m. on April 7, 2009 at William Beaumont Hospital. He weighed 6 lbs. and measured 19 inches. Zachary is the seventh grandchild for Andrew & Itimad Kado and the fourth for Sokana & Anaam Sokana. Both families are blessed by our newest angel and thank God for this wonderful gift. Chase Anthony With open arms and lots of love to share! Jeff, Angela & Ava Zeer would like to announce the new addition to their family, Chase Anthony. Chase was born on May 21, 2009 at 12:32 p.m. He weighed 8 lbs., 2 oz. and measured 21 inches. Chase is the fifth grandchild for Husni & Suad Zeer and the second for Jalal & Nadia Karmo. Proud godfather is John Zeer. Joseph Kais Sophia Marie Zachary Andrew Chase Anthony share your joy with the community Announcements are offered free of charge to paid subscribers. Please email or mail announcements with a photo to the Chaldean News at or to: Chaldean News; c/o Editor, Subject: Announcements, 29850 Northwestern, Suite 250, Southfield, MI 48034. Please include your address and phone number to verify your paid subscription. Hard copies of photos can be picked up after the 15th of the month. Photos are not mailed back. 18 CHALDEAN NEWS NOVEMBER 2009

HALHOLE! Gabriella Hope Those tiny peas-in-a-pod toes; that sweet new baby smell. There’s nothing more exhilarating than celebrating new life. Leonard & Taneil Kakos proudly announce the birth of their daughter, Gabriella Hope, born on May 15, 2009. She weighed 7 lbs., 13 oz. and was 21 inches long. Gabriella is the third grandchild of Habib & Julie Kakos and the first grandchild for Nadhir & Nadiya Zoma. She was baptized on August 8, 2009 at St. Thomas Church with godmother Summer Ambabo. Lucas Anthony Proud parents Claudine & Salim George and big brother Cameron welcomed Lucas Anthony on August 26, 2008. Grandparents are Selim & Nadera Attallah and the late Salim George & Jalia George. We love you Lucas and wish you many happy and healthy years to come. Sabrina Marie God has blessed John & Karol Jina with the birth of their second child, Sabrina Marie, born on June 18, 2009. She weighed 6 lbs., 7 oz. and measured 19.5 inches. Sabrina is the ninth grandchild for Farid & Karima Jindo and the fourth for Monira & the late Sabri Jina. Thanks to God for this wonderful gift. [Weddings] Evonne and Tommy Tommy Gasso & Evonne Mirza pledged their vows on May 15, 2009 at St. Thomas Chaldean Catholic Church followed by the reception at Shenandoah Country Club. Tommy is the son of Thamer & Lamia Gasso. Evonne is the daughter of Ibrahim & Mithal Mirza. The newlyweds honeymooned in the Bahamas and the Eastern Caribbean. Rita and Jonathan On March 22, 2009, Jonathan Jarbo & Rita Yono exchanged vows of love in the sacrament of marriage at St. Thomas Chaldean Catholic Church. Jonathan is the son of Sabhan & Thaira Jarbo, and Rita is the daughter of Gorgis & Hasena Yono. The couple enjoyed a European honeymoon. May God bless them in their new beginning of life together as one. Gabriella Hope Lucas Anthony Sabrina Marie Evonne and Tommy Rita and Jonathan You are cordially invited to our November Trunk Shows... Anne Barge Couture Bridal Collection November 5, 6, 7 Toni Federici Couture Accessories Bridal & Evening Veils, Headpieces, Jewelry November 13, 14 By Appointment • 248.723.4300 • Birmingham, MI • Setting the Standard for Integrity Don’t miss our GRAND OPENING SALE November 20th, 21st, and 22nd NOVEMBER 2009 CHALDEAN NEWS 19




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