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GUEST column The

GUEST column The importance of the Eastern Rite Regardless of what Rite you are from in the Church, we are all Catholics. We know that many Chaldeans frequent Latin Rite churches here in Metro Detroit and they take communion, practice confession and celebrate holy days with our non-Chaldean brothers and sisters in Christ. The Catechism lists seven Rites: Latin, Byzantine, Alexandrian, Syriac, Armenian, Maronite and Chaldean; they are actually families of liturgical expression. These Rites are the descendants of the liturgical practices that originated in centers of Rome, Antioch, Constantinople, Alexandria and Babylon. In 1553, Pope Julius III proclaimed the first Patriarch of the Chaldeans. Chaldean is the biblical term used for those from Babylon. Today the Patriarch of this Rite is located in Bagdad, Iraq, where most of the members live. Fr. Emanuel Rayes SPECIAL TO THE CHALDEAN NEWS It is not a sin for a Catholic in the Chaldean Rite to attend mass in a Latin Rite church. However, as Chaldeans we urge you to maintain your identity and culture by attending mass at one of our many Chaldean churches. The edict to keep all the Rites within the Catholic Church separated and thriving came down from Pope John Paul II. It is the reason the Chaldean Diocese of Detroit requires that Chaldeans marry in the Chaldean church, baptize their children in the Chaldean church and take Holy Communion in the Chaldean church. It is a way to preserve our language, culture and identity. There has been no time in our history like today when this is most important to preserve the Chaldean culture. With the exodus of Christians from our homeland, it is up to us to maintain our identity as Chaldeans of the Eastern Rite Church. Many people wonder what the If you have not attended a Chaldean mass recently, I implore you to go to church and enjoy the liturgy in the most traditional form available in the United States. major differences between the two Rites are and I will explain. They are both Catholic and must be subject to the Pope. The difference is mostly just in their traditions. Some things are done differently. As Chaldeans we say our mass in Aramaic, a dialect of Christ’s spoken language. The Latin Rite says it in Latin and here in America, in English. Not only are they both subject to the Pope, but both must follow and profess all of the dogmas and doctrines of the church. During our masses, we sing our gospels and much of the mass’ content. It is a beautiful celebration of the Last Supper honoring our Christ the Lord in the eldest liturgy, Mar Addai, Mar Mari – it is really a mass of thanksgiving and glory. If you have not attended a Chaldean mass recently, I implore you to go to church and enjoy the liturgy in the most traditional form available in the United States. Invite your non- Chaldean friends to experience our traditions and our love for Christ celebrated in our native tongue. Most importantly, go to church and honor God’s commandment to keep the Holy Sabbath Day. God bless. Fr. Emanuel Rayes is the retired pastor of St. Thomas Chaldean Catholic Church in West Bloomfield. For heart attacks – the only hospital in the area with emergency angioplasty. If you have chest pain, it’s critical you get treated as quickly as possible. The faster a blocked coronary artery is opened and blood flow restored, the less damage is done to the heart. Here, you’ll be seen quickly because we guarantee all E.R. patients are seen by a doctor in 29 minutes or less. You can feel confident your heart attack can be treated quickly by some of America’s best heart doctors with expertise from the Detroit Medical Center. For a referral, call 1-888-DMC-2500 When it’s serious, go to DMC Huron Valley-Sinai Hospital. DMC 29 Minute E.R. Guarantee DMC Huron Valley-Sinai Hospital at Commerce and Commerce in Commerce. 1 William Carls Drive Commerce, MI 48382-2201 248-937-3300 10 CHALDEAN NEWS NOVEMBER 2009





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