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MAY 2014

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from the EDITOR

from the EDITOR Published By The Chaldean News, LLC Editorial Editor in Chief Vanessa Denha-Garmo managing Editor Joyce Wiswell Contributing Writers Paul Hakim, M.D. Monica Jiddou-Patros, M.D. Neil Jaddou, M.D. Junior Jwad Bianca Kasawdish Jovan Jane Kassab Niccole LaDue Weam Namou Anthony Samona Michael Sarafa Alaa Toma, M.D. Eric Younan art & production creative director Alex Lumelsky with SKY Creative graphic designers Zina Lumelsky with SKY Creative Joseph Sesi Photographers David Reed Razik Tomina operations Interlink Media director of operations Martin Manna TRANSLATORS Galia Thomas Raad Yousif circulation Stacey Sheena CLASSIFIEDS Joyce Wiswell sales Interlink Media sales representativeS Interlink Media Sana Navarrette Stacey Sheena managers Vanessa Denha-Garmo Martin Manna Michael Sarafa subscriptions: per year The Chaldean News 29850 Northwestern Highway, Suite 250 Southfield, MI 48034 Phone: (248) 996-8360 Publication: The Chaldean News (P-6); Published monthly; Issue Date: May 2014 Subscriptions: 12 months, . Publication Address: 29850 Northwestern Hwy., Suite 250, Southfield, MI 48034; Application to Mail at Periodicals Postage Rates is Pending at Farmington Hills Post Office Postmaster: Send address changes to “The Chaldean News 29850 Northwestern Highway, Suite 250, Southfield, MI 48034” A prayerful perspective I was up early perusing Facebook when I stumbled on a post about Patriarch Emanuel Delly III having died just hours earlier in California. I thought about all the people on earth and heaven who would be praying for him during Holy Week leading up to Easter. We remember the Patriarch this month in our cover story and share with you a brief history of his life as well as photos from his visitation and vigil. Who is praying for whom? I thought the same thing when my uncle Thomas Denha died on All Saints Day. Imagine all the saints praying for him, was what popped in my head. My brother-in-law Robert died on my grandmother Agatha’s birthday last year and I thought, I hope she is in heaven praying for him. We all need prayer. I have a question: How often are you praying for others without being asked to do so? I recently gave a needed gift to a relative and she asked how she could pay me back. I replied, just pray for me, Ron and Elayna. She replied, “Of course.” Upon wishing one of our fabulous Chaldean priests a happy birthday via text, he responded, “Thank you. Please keep praying for me and all priests on this feast of the priesthood.” “I always do,” I responded. Praying for our priests and religious leaders is imperative for the health of our church. We have been blessed to have faithful, dedicated and Vanessa denha-garmo editor in chief co-publisher engaging priests in our community. We should not only expect that they pray for us but that we always pray for them. Over the past few months, I have asked many friends to pray for a special family intention. I am grateful that they have kept the promise to do so. Here is another: How often do you ask others to pray for you? Growing up, any struggles we had as a family my father used to say, “Thank God we have our health.” I have to say as a mom today, I agree. I am grateful for good health. This month is also our health issue. We bring you stories about your body and mind. I recently saw Fred Cavaiani, a Catholic therapist, at an ECRC Faith Night event and he talked about the importance of meditation and prayer. Reading quotes and scripture throughout his talk, Cavaiani encouraged the participants to meditate in prayer daily for health and wellbeing but mostly to build a stronger relationship with God. Research shows that meditation actually reduces stress and keeps your heart from racing. I have to ask: How often are you practicing meditative prayer for your physical health and spiritual health? I never really knew how to pray. My faith journey has taught me not only how to get into a deep state of communication with God but through it, I have created my own prayers. There are two I recite almost daily. The first, “God bring the people in my life who will lead me in the direction you want to go.” Ever since I started to pray that on a regular basis, I am in such a place of peace. I am certain of the people in my life today who are in it because of that prayer, including some of my clients. I truly believe that ECRC and every person I serve on the board with are in my life because of that prayer. The second prayer I say before I write this column, speak on Ave Maria radio or write one of my Christ-Centered Communication Messages. It goes, “God give me the words you know others need to read or hear.” I really don’t know how to go through life without prayer; in fact, I can’t go through a day without talking to God. For years prayer meant saying the Our Father, Hail Mary and Glory Be. That was the extent. Prayer today has deep meaning and a profound impact on my life. It is through prayer that I find peace. It is through prayer that I find clarity. It is through prayer that I find God and through Him, I find myself. Prayer is powerful and ultimately prayer gives me a perspective on life. So my final question: What does prayer mean to you? Alaha Imid Koullen (God Be With Us All) Vanessa Denha-Garmo Follow her on Twitter @vanessadenha Follow Chaldean News on Twitter @chaldeannews Summer Fun in Bloomfield! ``` (248) 561-5100 Carnival Fresh Mex 2 Go ★ Catering for any occasion! It’s not too late to register for Bloomfield Hills Schools Summer Camps! There are many opportunities for students to explore the outdoors and have a fun & engaging summer experience! For more information visit: summer-experiences Or call: 248.433.0885 Specializing in authentic Mexican cuisine, taco bar and nacho bar set ups Perfect for Weddings, Birthday Parties, Graduations, Communions, Corporate Functions and any other Events. Perfect for midnight snacks! 6 CHALDEAN NEWS MAY 2014

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