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MAY 2011

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chaldean on the STREET

chaldean on the STREET What’s your mother’s best piece of advice? By Anthony Samona We all know Chaldean mothers always want the best for their children. With Mother’s Day approaching, local Chaldeans share their mom’s wisdom. The best piece of advice my mom always told me is to always be forgiving, and never hold grudges. Life is too short to wake up with regrets. – Avita Nafso, 28 Novi “The lower land bears the better fruits.” My beloved mother always told this to my siblings and me growing up. Meaning: always be forgiving, don’t hold grudges, and especially live a simple and humble life. – Wiaam Samona, 47 West Bloomfield “Always keep your head high, stay positive and keep your faith strong, for one day good things will come your way.” I always love hearing my mom’s wise words of wisdom. Her advice and courageousness always keeps me motivated. – Eva Salmu, 33 Bloomfield Hills My mom is very into reading, and she always tells me knowledge is the key to the world. She always reminds me about this quote she once read, “He who neglects learning in his youth, loses the past and is dead for the future.” – Raven Atisha, 24 Commerce Twp. I always remember my mom telling me not to look at material possessions for happiness. For they do not talk to you or make you laugh, but it is the people in your life that value these qualities and bring you true happiness. She tells me that life is more about giving than getting. – Rowa Anton, 22 Farmington Hills With my mother once being a teacher, she always reminded me to never stop learning and to do as much as I can because education is the key to success. I took my mother’s advice and it led me to a successful life. – Sylvia Yaldo, 28 Birmingham “Our Lord Jesus Christ always comes first in our lives. If we do not have Jesus, we have nothing.” My mom always keeps our family’s faith so strong. Always telling me to keep God first, for God will get me where I want to go in life. – Brandon Foumia, 19 West Bloomfield My mom always told me to trust in God and always go to church, especially keeping my faith strong. If I do that, then everything will be okay. – Ryan Salem, 20 Farmington Hills 32 CHALDEAN NEWS MAY 2011

At Fruitasia Farmers Market our goal is to create a pleasant shopping experience for each of our customers. With two locations to serve you we have the freshest produce, USDA choice select meats, Amish chicken, fresh seafood and large assortment of cheeses delivered daily. 23105 Coolidge Highway Oak Park, MI 48237 248-336-5600 30600 Southfield Road Southfield, MI 48076 248-594-8700 MONDAY–SATURDAY 9AM - 8PM • SUNDAY 9AM - 6PM Fruitasia Farmers Market also offers a large assortment of organic produce, groceries, bulk and dried goods. We also have a full line of dairy, bakery, and ethnic items to choose from. At Fruitasia Farmers Market we will continue to add new products as we strive to meet the community’s needs. MOTHERS DAY FLOWERS Setting the Standard for Integrity Since 1953 The biggest & the best sushi seafood buffet in MI! Originally from Japan, our head sushi chef has over 35 years experience! Serving sashimi, crab, sushi and steak! 248-616-8868 MAY 2011 CHALDEAN NEWS 33




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