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13 months ago

MARCH 2024

  • Text
  • Michigan
  • Arts
  • Arabic
  • Detroit
  • Abbo
  • Iraq
  • Chaldeans
  • Mutanabbi
  • Garmo
  • Chaldean


FROM THE EDITOR PUBLISHED BY Chaldean News, LLC Chaldean Community Foundation EDITORIAL EDITOR IN CHIEF Sarah Kittle CONTRIBUTING WRITERS Cal Abbo Michael Antoon Omar Binno Sari Cicurel Dr. Samir Jamil Sarah Kittle Dr. Adhid Miri ART & PRODUCTION CREATIVE DIRECTOR Alex Lumelsky with SKY Creative GRAPHIC DESIGNER Zina Lumelsky with SKY Creative PHOTOGRAPHER Alex Lumelsky SALES Interlink Media Sana Navarrette CLASSIFIEDS Sana Navarrette Subscriptions: per year CONTACT INFORMATION Story ideas: Advertisements: Subscription and all other inquiries: Chaldean News 30095 Northwestern Hwy, Suite 101 Farmington Hills, MI 48334 Phone: (248) 851-8600 Publication: The Chaldean News (P-6); Published monthly; Issue Date: March 2024 Subscriptions: 12 months, . Publication Address: 30095 Northwestern Hwy., Suite 101, Farmington Hills, MI 48334; Permit to mail at periodicals postage rates is on file at Farmington Hills Post Office Postmaster: Send address changes to “The Chaldean News 30095 Northwestern Hwy., Suite 101, Farmington Hills, MI 48334” In Pursuit of Excellence This March issue is all about the pursuit of excellence in sports, education, professional work – virtually all walks of life. Chaldean culture calls for distinction, for brilliance and superiority. It is what we have come to expect from the community. Our cover exemplifies that pursuit. The story is centered around David Garmo’s belief that he is the best Jiu Jitsu fighter in the realm. It does not matter if it is still a dream; one day soon, it will be a fact. Garmo knows it in his heart. It was difficult to decide on a cover this month, as we have a wonderful story about extremely successful Chaldean career women to publish as well. These women are “killing it;” forging high-profile careers and achieving a work-life balance that many would envy. Indeed, recent archaeological findings in Kanesh, an Assyrian city in Iraq, shows that women throughout history served crucial roles in trading networks, managed finances and workers, and pushed against societal expectations to better their lives. “It’s their own thoughts and writing. It’s not our interpretation of them,” said Yale University Assyriologist Agnete Wisti Lassen of the tablets found. “There’s a deep value to that, to having their own voices heard.” The final installment of “From Mesopotamia to the Motor City,” traces the ancient routes of trade and culture that once connected the cradle of civilization to the busy streets of Detroit. In the heart of this convergence lies a vibrant community of Chaldeans, whose rich heritage and entrepreneurial spirit have left a mark on both the ancient world and the modern landscape of commerce. Cal Abbo looks at two community members who definitively made their mark: Michael George of Melody Farms and Saad Abbo of US Ice. In addition, we cover the March cover stories for the last two decades. It is a trip down memory lane as well as an important timeline that spotlights community concerns. So much has happened in the last twenty years! In our Economic and Enterprise section, we feature SARAH KITTLE EDITOR IN CHIEF Beverly Hills Grill and its owner Raphael Michael. Beverly Hills Grill has been a landmark in the area for many years, and its new owner is making sure that things don’t change too much and the ‘regulars’ are kept happy. Dr. Miri introduces us to the famous poet Al Mutanabbi, a dreamer and wordsmith who took the Arabic language to new dimensions in the odes he wrote to honor contemporary rulers. His work is widely recognized as proverbial, and many have heard his words even if they aren’t familiar with the source. Chaldean culture calls for distinction, for brilliance and superiority. It is what we have come to expect from the community. Dr. Samir Jamil wrote in again, sending a column on finding contentment. His tips on managing emotions and using all available resources to see and enjoy the beauty that surrounds us are a timeless reminder that we alone control our emotions and reactions. Omar Binno returns to the CN to author a piece about music therapy and his new nonprofit that aims to use music to help the disabled and those suffering from trauma. The Chaldean Cultural Center comes through again, providing archival photos of educators and their students in both Baghdad and Detroit, and Religion writer Michael Antoon shares his thoughts on Lent and Easter. Enjoy! Sarah Kittle Editor in Chief New York Life Congratulates Gabriel H. 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Karana Nationwide Services: • Patent Law • Trademark Law • Copyright Law • Licensing Agreements Contact Alex to start protecting your IP today. Service Industries: • Technology Protection • Branding Protection • Entertainment • Startups & Business (312) 676-7597 8 CHALDEAN NEWS MARCH 2024

PUBLISHER'S CIRCLE As the publication of record for Michigan’s Chaldean community, the mission of the Chaldean News is to preserve and archive Chaldean heritage and history, and to tell the ongoing story of Chaldean contributions to the communities in which we live and work – in Michigan and around the world. In the last 5 years the Chaldean News has substantially increased its readership and social media following, introduced new digital and website content and expanded storytelling and video offerings with the help of small grant funding. The Publisher’s Circle is a unique opportunity for community members to support the Chaldean News and its continuing mission to be a voice for the community, wherever they may be. With the warmhearted help of individual and organizational supporters we can ensure that this important resource remains to educate and connect the community while evolving to meet the needs of future generations. The Chaldean News has recently launched a CN app and will continue to expand into new media such as radio and TV, all with the goal of preserving our culture and telling the story of our people. You can take part in helping to preserve your Chaldean heritage by joining the Publisher’s Circle today. Jibran “Jim” Manna Martin and Tamara Manna We are grateful for the overwhelmingly generous support of our community. To learn more, visit or contact us at 248-851-8600 Let’s grow the circle. MARCH 2024 CHALDEAN NEWS 9




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