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MARCH 2018

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from the EDITOR

from the EDITOR PUBLISHED BY The Chaldean News, LLC EDITORIAL EDITOR IN CHIEF Vanessa Denha Garmo MANAGING EDITORS Denha Media Group Writers CONTRIBUTING WRITERS Ashourina Slewo Stephen Jones Paul Natinsky Lisa Cipriano Marcus Shammami M. Lapham Steve Stein Mada Jamil Weam Namou ART & PRODUCTION CREATIVE DIRECTOR Alex Lumelsky with SKY Creative GRAPHIC DESIGNERS Zina Lumelsky with SKY Creative PHOTOGRAPHER Vanessa Denha Garmo OPERATIONS Interlink Media DIRECTOR OF OPERATIONS Martin Manna CLASSIFIEDS Ashourina Slewo SALES Interlink Media Christen Jamoua SALES REPRESENTATIVES Interlink Media Sana Navarrette MANAGERS Vanessa Denha Garmo Martin Manna Michael Sarafa SUBSCRIPTIONS: PER YEAR THE CHALDEAN NEWS 30095 NORTHWESTERN HWY, SUITE 101 FARMINGTON HILLS, MI 48334 WWW.CHALDEANNEWS.COM PHONE: (248) 851-8600 Publication: The Chaldean News (P-6); Published monthly; Issue Date: MARCH 2018 Subscriptions: 12 months, . Publication Address: 30095 Northwestern Hwy., Suite 101, Farmington Hills, MI 48334; Application to Mail at Periodicals Postage Rates is Pending at Farmington Hills Post Office Postmaster: Send address changes to “The Chaldean News 30095 Northwestern Hwy., Suite 101, Farmington Hills, MI 48334” Never stop learning I never thought when we launched the Chaldean News in February 2004 that we would cover so many stories about Iraq and I certainly never thought that we would be so heavily engrossed in a story about Chaldeans being detained to be deported. What I have always loved about being a reporter and being part of this publication is that I am always learning. When I struggled in college to figure out a major, a deciding factor came after reading a book that featured a story about a person who chose journalism as a career because he was constantly learning new things and meeting new people. It clicked right there for me. Even though my industry has changed so much, and not in a good way, the learning part remains. I research, read and learn every day. In this issue, we dedicated our cover piece to the ongoing story about the detainees. The big misconception with the Chaldean detainees is that we are Dreamers or DACA recipients. Chaldeans are not the Dreamers. Our story is different. These Chaldeans who have been detained came to the United States under legal channels. They unfortunately committed crimes which made them ineligible to gain citizenship. However, most paid time for those crimes. We are now telling the next part of the story. Our own writer Ashourina Slewo has not only been engaged in this story as our lead reporter on it, she has been fighting to get her father legal help. He has been in a correctional facility in Ohio since June of 2017 among other detainees. Like many, he has been awarded bond but at ,000 with no collateral, he remains behind bars. She started a GoFundMe account to raise money to release him. Her cover story doesn’t tell her personal story but it does explain how detainees are not just fighting for freedom but for clarity on these bond hearings. What does this all mean and what is next? What Ashourina learned about the process is what she shares with all of us. One main argument not to send these people back to Iraq is that it is unsafe for minorities. We have other VANESSA DENHA-GARMO EDITOR IN CHIEF CO-PUBLISHER stories in this issue that explain just that issue. Weam Namou has penned a piece about the suffering of the Yazidis and how our own Chaldean community here in Michigan is trying to help. Stephen Jones shares new developments with the ongoing efforts of Help Iraq. Seminarian Marcus Shammami takes on our One-on-One this month as a follow up to a piece he wrote last year about Fr. Fadi’s mission trips to Iraq. There is no shortage of stories from our homeland and there is so much to learn. The only way we can teach and share with others is by learning ourselves. It’s not just true about what is going on in Iraq but that is the truth about our faith and so many other stories and issues in the world today. This magazine has always served as a tool to educate others and keep people abreast of what is going on in and outside our community that other news outlets are not telling. This month we also share a story about spring break safety written by Lisa Cipriano and how parents today are traveling with their kids on these senior trips to ensure nothing goes wrong. We also learn about a rare treatment for a very deadly cancer from a woman brave enough to share her experience. Thanks, Venis Asmar for the photos and information. None of us will ever live long enough to know all that we need to know. There should never be a day that you don’t learn something. I hope after you read this issue, you have learned much about what is going on in the immediate world around you and abroad. Alaha Imid Koullen (God Be With Us All) Vanessa Denha-Garmo Follow her on Twitter @vanessadenha Follow Chaldean News on Twitter @chaldeannews Proudly serving the West Bloomfield community and all their real estate needs for 30+ years! As the weather warms up — so does the market! If you are hoping to make a move this year, SPRING is the perfect time to get started. I am your community expert and have earned the honor of being one of the top agents in the area. • FREE MARKET ANALYSIS ON YOUR HOME • FREE HOME WARRANTY C.R.S., G.R.I., A.B.R. Realtor and Associate Broker (248) 763-2622 8 CHALDEAN NEWS MARCH 2018

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