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ECONOMICS & enterprise

ECONOMICS & enterprise Man at Work: Website helps job seekers PHOTO BY DAVID REED BY STEVE STEIN Looking to make money doing a side job? Check out, a free online classified advertising service started by Chaldean Shawn Hanaee. “That’s my side job,” said Hanaee, 31, who is employed full-time by Sprint Nextel. He’s been an account executive based at the company’s corporate office in Farmington Hills for seven years and he’s been in the wireless industry for 13 years. The Sterling Heights resident’s oneyear-old website is called ( About 1,600 advertisers from across the United States are registered, most from Michigan. Some are from the state’s Chaldean community. There also are numerous advertisers from California, New York, Illinois and Georgia. Hanaee came up with the idea for the website in February 2004 when he decided to renovate his home without using a contractor. “I asked friends and family if they could recommend people who do certain home improvements,” he said. “I soon began to realize that it seems like everyone has connections to competent people who do side jobs.” Most of the workers Hanaee hired to work on his home were employed full-time in another industry. For example, there was the carpenter who also was a car salesman and the electrician who also was an eighth-grade teacher. After the renovation was complete, Hanaee figured he spent about onesixth the cost of hiring professionals. When Hanaee did some home repair work last summer, it cost him just 0 to have his air conditioner fixed, and two toilets were repaired for – all thanks to finding workers on It took several months for Hanaee to teach himself how to design and monitor his website before he got it up and running. He checks it daily for shady advertisers and he’s had to give a few the boot. Jim Bartlett of Troy was one of the first advertisers to sign up with, and he’s one of its biggest fans. “I was starting a computer service and repair business about a year ago, and I wanted to advertise online without spending tons of money,” Bartlett said. “Shawn’s website obviously is a good deal because it’s free, and I don’t need to pay for worldwide exposure. I only travel to do work in the southern half of the Lower Peninsula and northern Ohio.” Bartlett said he’s been getting four or five jobs a month from his ad. Hanaee said his biggest challenge is getting prospective advertisers to trust because so many Internet businesses have come and gone. Once advertisers are on board, Hanaee feels it’s important to Shawn Hanaee founded a year ago. not intrude on their time. “I don’t send out bulletins or newsletters,” Hanaee said. “My advertisers only hear from me when I send wishes for a Happy Thanksgiving, Merry Christmas or Happy New Year.” Hanaee doesn’t know how much longer he’ll be able to offer his jobs service for free. He’s trying to be patient even though his Internet hosting costs have risen from .95 to 0 per month. He’s hoping to get enough people registered at to attract the attention of a big Internet company like Google or Yahoo! A 1994 Oak Park High School graduate, Hanaee is married to Marine. They have two children, Helena, 5, and Anthony, 3. 1152950 22 CHALDEAN NEWS MARCH 2007

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