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MARCH 2007

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CALC corner CALC’s

CALC corner CALC’s Girls Empowered: Kristen Sagmani works to empower girls CALC EMPOWERS GIRLS The CALC “Empowered Voices” Program meets every Wednesday between 6- 8 p.m. at St. Thomas Chaldean Catholic Church. The nine-month program is comprised of young Chaldean girls between the ages of 10 and 17. It is a drug prevention program that encourages young girls to make intelligent decisions in all areas of their lives. Session topics include: the negative effects of drugs and alcohol, choosing friends wisely, dating, self-esteem, education, cultural diversity and family relationships. Once a month, the girls’ mothers are invited to join in the session to encourage mother/daughter interactions, as well as to update the mothers on the progress in the program. “Participation in the program has been very strong. To date, we have approximately 30 girls enrolled. Each week our young girls come to session eager to learn and participate,” stated Linda Naoum, Director of Empowered Voices. Some of the girls already know each other from school, but many of them met and made friends with other girls during the program, and have formed new friendships and bonding with each other. This is the second year that the program has run in Oakland County. Last year’s program was successful as well, leading to the publication of “We Are…” magazine. The idea of this magazine was introduced to the group to allow them to have a voice within the community on what they feel are important issues that young Chaldean girls face. Immediately, the girls loved the opportunity to share their thoughts and feelings with other Chaldean girls and families. All of the articles and pictures came from the hard work and MARCH EVENTS MARCH 1 Penny Drive Kickoff, Shenandoah Country Club 2 0 0 7 : G U I D I N G O U R C H I L D R E N MARCH 3 Read to Me, 1 p.m., Oak Park dedication of the girls participating in the program. The outcome was an extraordinary magazine which was showcased at the Oakland County Health Division’s Prevention Directors Meeting. Anyone interested in a copy of the “We Are…” magazine can contact the CALC office at (248) 352-5018 or email us at “We are all very hopeful that the Empowered Voices Program will continue for many years to come, as it plays a vital role in positively influencing and educating our young Chaldean women in the community,” stated Naoum. Empowered Voices is funded by the Michigan Department of Community Health, Oakland County Office of Substance Abuse Services. SATURDAY DREAMS FULFILLED! February 18 kicked off CALC’s Saturday Dreams program. Saturday “Dreams” (“Discovering through Recreation, Education, Adventure, and Mentoring on Saturdays”) is a year-long mentoring program which provides positive role models for at-risk Chaldean youth living in the Detroit and Oak Park Chaldean communities. The program strives to give youth exposure and greater access to resources through field trips, educational and recreational activities one Saturday a month. More than 25 youth showed up to meet mentors. After some ice-breakers and various group activities, youth quickly bonded and became comfortable with our mentors. After providing them with snacks, youth took the snacks and ran to their favorite mentor. It was refreshing to see youth so open to meet new faces. CALC would like to thank our mentors for taking time out of their busy lives to guide our youth. Our Saturday Dreams Team Mentors are: Amal Kashat, Masar Kirma, Vanessa Kassab, Vanessa Konja, Jessica Rabban, Valerie Michael, Linda Zetouna, Vanessa Hajjar, Anita Shamoun, Sara Gebrail, Jennifer Tomina, Claudia Matti, Crystal Shounia, Lisa Sitto, Karen Konja, Mark Marouki, Johnathan Kenaya, Joseph Sesi, Carl Konja, Delon Hanni, Thomas Katou, Yasir Kaskorkis, Remon Jiddou, Mason Yono, Bryan Kassa, Trevor Babi and Brandon Sitto. JOIN US FOR A RETREAT CALC holds its annual retreat on March 12 at St. Ephrem Center, home for the ECRC, in Bloomfield Township. The retreat will be given by Fr. Alex Kratz and the theme is “At the Foot of the Cross with Mary.” The day-long event costs . Call the CALC office for details at (248) 352-5018. MARCH 7 Heart Smart, 7 p.m., Shenandoah Country Club MARCH 16 Learn to Dance, 7 p.m. MARCH 24 Saturday Dreams, Detroit and Oak Park LIFE IS A GRAND ADVENTURE CALC is also in its second year of Project Venture — a prevention program for Chaldean middle- and high school-age youth in Oak Park and Detroit. The Oak Park program is held at Mar Addai Chaldean Church and the Detroit program is held at Sacred Heart Chaldean Church. Project Venture focuses on strategies that include building self confidence, team work, cooperation, trust, service learning projects, outdoor adventure activities and a leadership camp. The program relies on Chaldean traditional values to help youth develop positive self-concept, effective social interaction skills and a community service ethic. The activities are aimed at improving decision-making skills, practicing effective communication and listening skills, strengthening self esteem, developing group process skills and increasing cultural sensitivity. Project Venture utilizes an indirect approach to prevent substance use and related problems. CALC’s Project Venture staff has engaged youth in positive alternative activities such as walking, hiking, camping, sports and community service learning projects. “Project Venture is marketed to youth as a fun, positive, challenging program without always a direct mention of substance abuse,” stated Dahlia Daood, Lead Facilitator for Project Venture. “While these activities may appear to be recreational in nature, they are really challenging youth to develop positive problem-solving skills, a better self-concept and effective social interaction skills. These types of skills will help in combating against future substance use.” Youth in the program are always active, utilizing all of their senses while they are learning and experiencing. They then share the results, reactions and observations in the group by processing the experience through discussion and reflection. An attempt is made to connect the completed activity to the real world in which they live. Over the next few months, youth will be trained in the sport of baseball, and this summer will participate in a weekend adventure camp. Guest speakers are also expected to educate the youth in CPR, nutrition, drugs/violence and setting future goals. Project Venture is funded by Michigan’s Office of Drug Control Policy. MARCH 30 Easter Basket Drive for Needy Families 14 CHALDEAN NEWS MARCH 2007

Gleaners Community Food Bank of Southeastern Michigan Salutes the Chaldean American Chamber of Commerce for its commitment to feed our hungry neighbors. Too many of our neighbors are hungry. Too many of our neighbors often must choose between paying for food or utilities or between food and medicine. Too many parents may be choosing not to eat so their children can have a meal instead. One million people in Michigan will need emergency food this year, and the members of the Chaldean American Chamber are aiming for a goal of 400,000 meals to feed their hungry neighbors. Thank you. NOURISHING COMMUNITIES BY FEEDING HUNGRY PEOPLE 2131 Beaufait • Detroit MI 48207-3410. • 1-866-GLEANER (313-923-3535) • Email: • MARCH 2007 CHALDEAN NEWS 15




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