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MARCH 2007

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CHAI time CHALDEANS CONNECTING COMMUNITY EVENTS IN AND AROUND METRO DETROIT MARCH 2007 [Through Sunday, March 11] Mixed: A play by Jennifer George is performed at the Boll Family YMCA Theatre, 1401 Broadway, Detroit. It plays Friday and Saturdays at 8 p.m. and Sundays at 4 p.m. (313) 309-9622. (Read more about ‘Mixed’ on page 36). Skating: The Rink at Campus Martius Park is open seven days a week in the heart of downtown Detroit. (313) 963-9393 or [Saturday, March 3] Lenten Retreat: Madonna University hosts this event that includes lunch. 9 a.m.-5 p.m., University Center, 14221 Levan Road, Livonia. Cost is . (734) 432-5524 or [Saturday, March 3 – Sunday, March 4] American Baby Faire: Expo for expectant and new families, with more than 100 exhibits. Admission is ; kids under 12 and grandparents get in free. Rock Financial Showplace, Novi. (248) 347-7720. [Sunday, March 4] Health Fair: Faith-based organizations and individuals, Detroit Hope Hospital, Oak Park Medical Clinic and others, in collaboration with our Lady of Fatima Parish, offer consultations, medical education, treatment, testing and free vaccinations. 9 a.m.-2 p.m., Our Lady of Fatima, 13500 Oak Park Boulevard (at Coolidge), Oak Park. (248) 546-9100. [Thursday, March 8] Las Vegas Night: The Arab and Chaldean Student Law Association holds a fundraiser at the Community House in Birmingham. Doors open at 7:30 p.m.; Texas Hold Em Poker Tournament begins at 8 p.m. Tickets are for students and for non-students. (248) 202-5462. [Thursday, March 8] Sake Party: Members and guests are welcome at a Sake Party at Shenandoah Country Club beginning at 9 p.m. in the Mixed Grill. includes appetizers. (248) 454-1932. [Friday, March 9] Fashion Show: West Bloomfield High School presents its annual spring show, “Behind the Seams, The Making of a Fashion Show.” Tickets to the student-produced show are . 7 p.m., West Bloomfield High School Auditorium. (248) 865-6730. [Saturday, March 10] Parenting Education Fair: Walled Lake Consolidated Schools presents its 15th annual event for parents and community members throughout Metro Detroit. Keynote Speaker Michael Gurian speaks on “The Minds of Boys and Girls: Helping Our Sons and Daughters Succeed in School and Life.” Twenty breakout sessions on a variety of topics follow. Admission is and childcare is available. To register or volunteer, call (248) 956-4200 or visit [Wednesday, March 14] Preschool: West Bloomfield School District Preschool Academy is taking registrations for the 2007-2008 school year. Children must be 3 or 4 by December. 4-6 p.m., Orchard Lake Middle School Cafeteria. There is a non-refundable registration fee; call (248) 865-6460 for details. [Saturday, March 31] Miss Chaldean: First-time-ever beauty pageant is presented by Jado Productions. Doors open at 7 p.m., show begins at 8 p.m. Royal Oak Music Theatre. (248) 284-5346 or Please let us know what is going on in the community. Send your information to The Chaldean News, Editorial Department, 26555 Evergreen, Suite 250, Southfield, MI 48076, or 12 CHALDEAN NEWS MARCH 2007





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