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MARCH 2007

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NOTEworthy U.S. agrees

NOTEworthy U.S. agrees to host more Iraqi refugees The Bush administration plans to allow about 7,000 Iraqi refugees to settle in the United States over the next year, a huge expansion at a time of mounting international pressure to help those who have fled in the nearly four-year-old war. The United States has allowed only 463 Iraq refugees into the country since the war began, even though some 3.8 million have left. The administration has also pledged million for a worldwide resettlement and relief program. The United Nations has asked for million from nations around the world. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice met on February 14 with U.N. High Commissioner for Refugees Antonio Guterres to outline the expanded U.S. program. The 7,000 would be resettled from nations outside Iraq where they have fled. The U.S. proposal also includes plans to offer special treatment for Iraqis still Washington Cultural Event Includes Chaldeans Lavon Ammori, Amer Fatuhi, Ala Bashir, Dhia Alazzawi, Ali Talib and Leila Kubba were among the Chaldean artists who participated in Iraqi Heritage Music Night at Washington, D.C.’s American University in January. More than 300 people attended the event, which featured Babylonian music using the maqam and an oud solo. Also featured were 81 works of art, half of which came from the Mesopotamia Gallery in Ferndale. The event was sponsored by the Cultural Office of the Embassy of the Republic of Iraq in Washington. Poster Child This poster featuring Josephine Sarafa is currently adorning the walls of the West Bloomfield Township Public Library. Sarafa is the executive director of the Chaldean Cultural Center. sionals, patients and community residents weigh in on the design. “We are very focused on wellness and not just illness,” said Gerard van Grinsven, president and chief executive officer. “This is not the elite for a few; we will honor all insurance policies.” Event Raises Thousands for Yasso Some 350 people gathered at Vision in Pontiac on January 26 for a fundraiser for Joey Yasso. As reported in the January issue, Yasso has been hospitalized since last October with a host of medical problems relating to Crohn’s disease. The evening raised ,414 towards his medical bills. NANA says Many old wives tales float around the Chaldean community and we thought we’d share some of our favorites with you in this new section. Nana is, of course, everyone’s grandma who shares her advice, funny stories and words of wisdom – whether or not we want to hear them. • Don’t kiss the bottom of a baby’s foot — they won’t walk early. • For a stomachache, eat a hard-boiled egg. • If you dream someone has died, don’t be sad — this means they will live a long life. ILLUSTRATION BY SCOTT MICK Share you own gems from Nana by emailing, or writing to the Chaldean News, 26555 Evergreen Road, Suite 250, Southfield, MI 48076. in the country whose cooperation with the U.S. government puts them at risk from sectarian reprisal. Most refugees have fled to Syria and Jordan, both of which have recently tried to restrict the influx. The U.N. estimates that 40,000 to 50,000 people flee Iraq each month and have dwindling options of where to go. The U.N. and allies have suggested the previous U.S. policy was stingy considering the U.S. role in starting the war. After the Associated Press reported the plan to allow far greater numbers to come to the United States, Jordan’s chief government spokesman did not sound impressed. Nasser Judeh said 7,000 is still a small number compared to the 700,000 Iraqi refugees Jordan has had to accommodate. “7,000 Iraqi refugees is just 1 percent of the number we have,” Judeh said. Hospital Offers Hotel-Like Amenities Stained glass accents, flat-screen televisions and in-roof mini-refrigerators are among the upscale amenities included at the new Henry Ford West Bloomfield Hospital, which opens in 2008. All rooms at the 300-bed hospital will be private, have pleasant views and are designed in accordance of the Chinese discipline feng shui, which strives to achieve harmony with the environment. Constructed of stone, wood and other natural materials, the hospital is designed to give an “Up North” feel. Henry Ford executives recently took members of the media on a tour of prototype hospital rooms at a warehouse in Commerce Township. The idea of the facility is to evolve as healthcare profes- Left: Henry Ford executives Christine Zambricki and Gerard van Grinsven show off a prototype patient room. Above: Dominic Bakal and Joe Kasis have fun at the Yasso party. A number of organizations came together to produce the fundraiser, including Hotspot Entertainment, Limelight Entertainment, Afterlife Entertainment, Desert Rose Productions and Jado Productions. Yasso, 29, was unable to attend the event due to a fever. He remains in Troy Beaumont Hospital. Donations can be made on Yasso’s MySpace account at People Nabby Yono has been named Vice President of Community Relations at the Arab Chaldean Council (ACC). He has Nabby Yono been a member of the ACC Board of Directors for the past 16 years and is also a member of the Chaldean Archdiocese of America. He also served as Chairman of the Associated Food Dealers of Michigan from 1994-1995. Melinda Sarafa has opened a private practice, Sarafa Law LLC, in New York City. Sarafa defends individuals and businesses in all stages of criminal proceedings and related civil litigation. She was formerly a partner at Zuckerman Spaeder LLP. Visit Faisal Arabo has been named Agent of the Year in the Greater Detroit General Office of New York Life Insurance. A New York Life agent for Melinda Sarafa Faisal Arabo 39 years, Arabo received the award in recognition of outstanding sales achievement and exemplary client service and professionalism. Scott Salim Yaldo and Sal Yaldo have formed Bloomfield Title Agency at 2550 Telegraph Road in Bloomfield Hills. Scott Yaldo is also an attorney in Bingham Farms and Sal Yaldo is an insurance agent for Farm Bureau Insurance in Bloomfield Hills. 10 CHALDEAN NEWS MARCH 2007

PUBLISHED BY The Chaldean News LLC Four-Diamond Escape EDITOR IN CHIEF MANAGING EDITOR CONTRIBUTING WRITERS EDITORIAL Vanessa Denha-Garmo Joyce Wiswell Jeremy Hull Jennifer Korail Michelle Lutfy Ken Marten From $ 98 * Per Person ART & PRODUCTION CREATIVE DIRECTOR GRAPHIC DESIGNER ILLUSTRATOR PHOTOGRAPHERS DIRECTOR OF OPERATIONS CIRCULATION CLASSIFIEDS ADMINISTRATIVE INTERN OPERATIONS SALES Alex Lumelsky with SKY Creative Zina Lumelsky with SKY Creative Scott Mick Nora Bahrou Downs David Reed Renée Antoon Renée Antoon Joyce Wiswell Wafa Shamo Sonia Alton Hanakachel Your Escape Includes: • First-Class Accommodations • Water Lily Dining Coupon • Off Spa Services** • Off Spa Products** • Free Slot Play • A Bonus Coupon Packet SENIOR SALES EXECUTIVE SALES REPRESENTATIVE Sandra Denha Jolagh Lisy Starr FOUNDERS Tony Antone Vanessa Denha-Garmo Martin Manna Michael Sarafa MICHIGAN SUBSCRIPTIONS: PER YEAR • OUT-OF-STATE SUBSCRIPTIONS: PER YEAR THE CHALDEAN NEWS • 26555 EVERGREEN • STE 250 • SOUTHFIELD, MI 48076 WWW.CHALDEANNEWS.COM • PH: 248-355-4850 PUBLICATION: The Chaldean News (P-6); Published monthly; Issue Date: March, 2007 SUBSCRIPTIONS: 12 months, . Outside of Michigan, . PUBLICATION ADDRESS: 26555 Evergreen, Suite 250, Souithfield, MI 48076; Application to Mail at Periodicals Postage Rates is Pending at Farmington Hills Post Office" POSTMASTER: Send address changes to "The Chaldean News 26555 Evergreen Road, Ste. 250, Southfield, MI 48076" S U B S C R I B E ! 12-MONTH SUBSCRIPTION: (MICHIGAN) (OUT OF STATE) I wish to subscribe to the Chaldean News for 12 issues Please fill in your name and address below: Name _____________________________________________________________________________ Address_________________________________________________________________________________ City ________________________________________ State _____ Zip _____________________ Phone ______________________________ E-mail _____________________________ PLEASE MAIL THE FORM, WITH A CHECK MADE PAYABLE TO: THE CHALDEAN NEWS ATTN: SUBSCRIPTIONS 26555 EVERGREEN, SUITE 250, SOUTHFIELD, MI 48076 PHONE: 248-355-4850 WEB: WWW.CHALDEANNEWS.COM Mt. Pleasant, MI Experience More. For Reservations, Call 1-877-2-EAGLE-2 And Ask For The Four-Diamond Escape. *Room rate is valid multiple nights, Sunday through Thursday, now through March 29, 2007. **Minimum purchase of . All package inclusions are per person. Certain restrictions apply. Offer based on double occupancy and availability. Subject to change or cancellation at any time. MARCH 2007 CHALDEAN NEWS 11




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