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JUNE 2018

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noteworthy New Cardinals

noteworthy New Cardinals Appointed Pope Francis announced on Sunday his picks to become cardinals in the Catholic church. He will make 14 new cardinals on Friday, June 29. Among the new cardinals is Louis Raphael I Sako. Sako has been the Baghdad-based patriarch of the Chaldeans since 2013. Recognized by Crain’s Justin Hanna has been recognized by Crain’s Detroit Business’ ’Twenty in the 20s’ for his part in helping Iraqi nationals facing deportation after they were rounded up and detained last June. An attorney without any immigration experience, Hanna led a team of attorneys at Jaffe Raitt Heuer & Weiss P.C. to help those affected get representation. Charitable Celebration Catholic Charities of Southeast Michigan hosted its annual Celebration. “The works of Catholic Charities are the corporal works of mercy. We are not principally a social service agency, but an Instrument of God’s love and mercy,” said Archbishop Allen Vignernon, President of Catholic Charities of Southeast Michigan. St. Joseph Chaldean Catholic Church was among those honored at the event. They are faithful supporters of CCSEM. The church’s ladies group, Wings promotes Project Hope through its pro-life work and hosts and annual Mother’s Day Tea. They support and volunteer monthly at the All Saints Soup Kitchen and Food Pantry. During the Advent/Christmas Season, the adopt families from CCSEM ministries including Project Hope and Behavioral Health. Fr. Manuel Boji, Fr. Rudy Zoma and Fr. Brian Kassa were all in attendance among three tables of Chaldeans. Students go to Washington D.C. Several Chaldean students from Orchard Lake Middle School journeyed to Washington, DC for their 8th grade trip in May. Back row L-R: Teacher Ms. Crystal Jabiro, Cameron Kenaya, Angelina Jabboori, Angelina Manjo, Ella Dabish, and Mrs. Wasan Garmo. Front row: Mary Jarjosa, Leann Karim, Michael Antone, and Lucas Garmo. Stabenow Calls on Trump Administration In May of 2018, United States Senator Debbi Stabenow wrote the office of President Donald Trump regarding the hundreds of Iraqi nationals that had been picked up in raids and detained by Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) on June 11 of last year. In her letter, Stabenow expresses her concern and requests an update on the individuals from Michigan who were detained last year and how the “recent Supreme Court Sessions v. Dimaya decision could impact their cases.” Stabenow cites The United States’ travel advisory to Iraq warns “U.S. travelers: ‘Do not travel to Iraq due to terrorism and armed conflict.’” Stating that while those who are detained are not citizens of this country, their families are and the risk of kidnapping and violence for the purpose of extorting their families. Stabenow ends her letter by urging Trump’s administration to use its authority to “exercise discretion in carefully considering” each detainee’s case. 12 CHALDEAN NEWS JUNE 2018

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