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JUNE 2018

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GUEST columns Melania

GUEST columns Melania invites Americans to ‘Be Best’ CRYSTAL KASSAB JABIRO Five days before First Lady Melania Trump’s Be Best initiative announcement, our school got an invitation to attend. And the principal said I could be one of the two teachers to go. I had orchestrated First Lady Melania Trump’s visit to Orchard Lake Middle School (OLMS) in West Bloomfield back in October with my dear friend Melody Arabo, a teacher in Walled Lake and current Fellow at the U.S. Department of Education. She was asked to help with Melania’s first-ever visit to a school for “Week of Inclusion” during National Bullying Prevention Month. Melania requested a school that participates in the program “No One Eats Alone” and she also requested it not be a far plane ride from Washington, D.C. because she wanted to be home for Barron when he came home from school. Anyhow, Melody mentioned that she knew someone who works at Orchard Lake Middle School- me-, and Secretary Betsy Devos’s office basically said, “Okay, we’ll go there!” And that’s how it happened. The First Lady and the Secretary, who is from Michigan, were quite impressed with our school and our daily social and emotional course called Viking Huddle. Three days a week are dedicated to academic tutoring and enrichment and homework time; two days are devoted to social skills and emotional well-being, discussing topics like character, communication, and making choices to name a few. That is why we got invited to Melania’s launch of her Be Best initiative. We left at 3 a.m. from OLMS and changed in a fitting room at the Gap an hour before we got there. I did my makeup on the bus while a sixth grader held my phone up in selfie mode as a mirror. I used my plush Angry Birds blanket as a bib while I ate my Subway, being careful not to get my dress dirty. When we finally got to the White House, we went through a couple of security checks, one of them being with dogs. I left a gift for Melania – a notecard with a Blessed Solanus Casey wooden rosary and prayer card. We walked through the White House to the Rose Garden and were told not to take pictures and post anything until after Melania got to make We walked through the White House to the Rose Garden and were told not to take pictures and post anything until after Melania got to make the announcement. the announcement. We had the pleasure of sitting near the front, and I in the fourth row, first seat in the aisle. Exactly three people in front of me was President Donald Trump! He was sitting right next to Vice President Michael Pence and his wife, Karen. To my right, I saw Ivanka and Jared, Betsy Devos, Sarah Sanders, and Kellyanne Conway. Only later did I realize that the people in the row in front of me were bigwigs from Facebook, Microsoft, and other major media and technology companies. Before Melania spoke, we watched a video that included our school and students. The students were excited to see themselves and their classmates in it. Then she spoke about Be Best and explained the pillars of it. She recognized our school and spoke about Viking Huddle. We couldn’t believe we were receiving such respect from the First Lady, we were very honored! When it was over, Melody and I went up to Mrs. Pence and introduced ourselves. She was very down-to-earth, told us her dad was a teacher too, and said she saw research that shows moms and babies are not bonding because of social media. She talked to us like she had known us for a long time, and we took it to be that typical Midwestern style. We were glad to meet her and we took a picture with her. We walked over to the Kennedy Garden after for a cookies and lemonade reception, and that is when I saw Melania right in front of me. “Mrs. Trump, I’m Crystal Jabiro, a teacher from Orchard Lake Middle School. Thank you so much for inviting us.” “Thank you for coming. What a great school you have and what you teachers do is so important,” she responded. We exchanged a few more pleasantries and then I asked her for a picture. “Selfie?” she asked with a smile. “Sure!” I exclaimed. “Okay, come on!” she said. And she got close to me and I snapped it. She took selfies with the kids too. The whole experience was surreal and magical. I was very proud of Melania and this initiative, and I hope it does what it sets out to do. For more info, you can go to 10 CHALDEAN NEWS JUNE 2018

One year’s time BY ASHOURINA SLEWO It’s baffling how much can happen in one year. One year ago, when I encouraged my father to seek the help of an immigration attorney, I had no idea that exactly one week later he would be one of hundreds caught in raids by Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE). But he was. This is not my first column about the deportation crisis and it probably won’t be the last. On June 11, 2017, I stood in my father’s doorway, facing at least four ICE agents. I feigned confidence in an attempt to show them I was not scared. I knew, though, that no amount of confidence or knowledge of my rights would stop them from leaving that apartment with my father in tow. Our community has been exceedingly fortunate to have had an organization like the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) – who worked with the Chaldean Community Foundation – standing in the face of the government and defending us. The ACLU, and the countless others that didn’t receive even half the recognition they deserved, came out to help us when no one else would. They bought us more time than anyone could have imagined. Time that would allow our loved ones the opportunity to stay in this country. For several months after ICE picked my dad up, I was on auto pilot. All I could think about was the next step. What could I do next? What would bring me one step closer to seeing my father again? I would not have been able to do any of the things I did had it not been for the ACLU and their massive network of people eager to help. The ACLU and their co-counsel fought the government and won. How many people can say that? They bought us time, they provided us with the resources we so desperately needed, and they brought a majority of families back together. In one year’s time, I lost my father to immigration so the president could earn political brownie points among his equally delusional followers, I fought for his life, and have succeeded in bringing him back home. Most importantly, though, a whole new world has opened up for me. A world within my own community. In this world, I have found individuals that stepped up for hundreds of families, not for the notoriety, but for the love of the community. Individuals that consistently fight back as the government tries to carry out the unethical act of deporting hundreds of people. They have nothing to gain from this fight. Their fathers, brothers, and uncles are safe and at home. Nevertheless, they fight for us. In addition to the truly amazing people that have come out to support the Chaldean community, another silver lining in all this, is our community now knows who has our best interest in mind. And if you think that person is Trump or any member of his administration, you must have been asleep for the last year. In one year’s time, I have had to fight against the government I was raised to believe cared for its people and won, for the most part. On the other hand, though, I have had the privilege of watching our community come together in a way I never thought possible. DETROIT MARRIOTT SOUTHFIELD 27033 NORTHWESTERN HWY. SOUTHFIELD MI 48034 LOCATED ON SOUTH SERVICE DRIVE, BETWEEN 10 & 11 MILE ROAD EVENT BOOKINGS 248-455-2021 REDESIGNED AND REINVENTED NEWLY RENOVATED ROOMS AND BANQUET SPACE COMPLIMENTARY EVENT SPACE! Must mention this ad. Food and beverage minimums apply. ENTER TO WIN A COMPLIMENTARY NIGHT’S STAY! When you take a tour our newly renovated guest rooms. By appointment only. Please contact sales office directly at (248) 455-2021 or SPECIAL DISCOUNTS FOR COMMUNION PARTIES! Call today for early-bird pricing. Must reserve by 4/30/2018. JOIN OUR GROWING TEAM. The Chaldean News is looking for motivated candidates to fill full-time salaried sales positions. Qualified candidates should email a resume to WEDDINGS • BRIDAL & BABY SHOWERS • COMMUNIONS • BIRTHDAYS RETIREMENT PARTIES • ANNIVERSARIES • BUSINESS MEETINGS JUNE 2018 CHALDEAN NEWS 11




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