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CALC corner NOTE from

CALC corner NOTE from the PRESIDENT Your dedication and generosity always shine through, and we just don’t know what we’d do without you! The time and energy, Clair Konja and donations you give throughout the year are treasured by us here at the CALC. We were overwhelmed and delighted by the generosity of Adopt-A-Family donors whose gifts filled the CALC office in the days prior to Christmas day. We were grateful for those who donated time, money and talent to help underserved youth, senior citizens and nursing home residents enjoy this holiday season. There is no doubt that this effort would not have been the success that it was without your presence. You touched many more lives during the Christmas season than you can ever imagine. Thank you. We pray that this special gift return to you the peace and goodness of the Lord. — Clair Konja, President PLEASE JOIN US On Tuesday, March 14, the CALC will hold a Spiritual Enrichment for Women Event, a Lental Reflection, at Manresa Jesuit Retreat House in Bloomfield Hills. The donation is and checks, payable to CALC, are due at the CALC office by March 7. Please call the office for details: (248) 352-5018. ADOPT-A-FAMILY MAKES CHRISTMAS MERRY FOR 30 FAMILIES They may have had shopping and holiday plans of their own to complete, but that didn’t deter a number of volunteers from shopping for and delivering so many gifts to needy families in Detroit through the CALC Christmas Adopt-A-Family program. The CALC’s Adopt-a-Family Program helped 30 families, which included gifts to over 150 individuals. If it wasn’t for this program, many kids would not have received any gifts for Christmas. Their efforts were most appreciated by their recipients, many of whom were young children who were surprised at how many gifts they received. A big thanks to ALL for your outstanding generosity and for helping families have a little merrier Christmas than they anticipated. Gift cards redeemable at local grocery and clothing stores, baskets of food filled with a large turkey and other food items, winter outfits, and toys and clothing were given out. Thank you to our generous Adopt-a-Family donors: Marisa Abbo, Rita Abbo, Karen Akouri, Rosemary Antone, Konnie Binno, Joseph Boji, CAP Investment Group, Monica George, Michelle Jonna, Evyenia Jonna, Kristie Kalabat, Monica Karcho, Sally Denha LaFave, Christin Lussia, Susan McKay, Pauline (Jaboro) Mukhtar, Rasha and Bassam Murad, Nora Naman, Nourah Petrous, Michelle Saroki, Lubna & Nedhal Seba, Nada Shallal, Jamal, Lillian, Michelle and Michael Shallal, Jon & Jennifer (Shallal) Werner, Bryan and LONGTIME MEMBER MARY KASSA DIES Mary Kassa was born in Telkaif, Iraq in 1929. She came to the United States on the Queen Mary in 1935. Her parents were Dawood and Habooba Kassa. She had an older sister, Warana and two younger brothers, George and Joseph Kassa. In 1951, she returned to Telkaif to marry the love of her life, John Murad Kassa. It was a wedding celebration that lasted two weeks and is still talked about until this day. Theirs was a marriage made in heaven. Their strong love and devotion to each other were surpassed by none. Mary had a stroke while attending Fadea Nissan, Vanessa Konja and Jane Shallal mass at St. Thomas Church on January 13, 2006. She died peacefully on January 17, 2006, at her home surrounded by her loved ones. Mary said she served God first and all others second. Everyone who knew her witnessed her amazing faith. Mary’s Catholic faith and Chaldean ancestry were important to her. She was an original member of the Chaldean American Ladies of Charity. She organized and participated in two Chaldean prayer groups. She was a Eucharistic Minister for two churches, and volunteered at Providence Hospital. Mary was currently working on a project CHRISTMAS STORYTIME A SUCCESS The CALC’s Annual Christmas Storytime, held on December 10 at both Oak Park and Detroit churches, hosted over 140 youth. Activities included making Christmas wreaths and other ornaments, a Christmas storytime and carols, and a visit from Santa, who appeared with gifts for the children. The CALC would like to thank the following individuals and companies for their contributions and helping to sponsor this event: The Detroit Tigers and Comerica Park, Shriner’s of Southfield, Meijers of Southfield, David Loussia of Farmington Dollar, John McKay of Papa Romano’s, and Ferris Dawood of Dollar Castle, who donated 200 stockings for the kids. A very special thanks goes out to Rita Kainaya and Marcine Karmo for organizing the event, along with all the volunteers who came that day to make it a fun-filled event for all the children. Angela (Shallal) Bennet, Farah and Pete Shammas, Majida Sheena, Shina Family, Shavon Yasso. A big thanks goes out to those who donated food: Chris Denha of 8 Mile Foodland, Dave Kalasho of Food 4 Less, John Loussia of Value Wholesale, Mike Dickow of Liberty Wholesale, Bobby Hessano of D & B Wholesale, Anothony Serra of Serra Produce Helpers: Monica Karcho, Mina Yousif. Dalia Yatooma. Thank you Jeff Denha for working on this effort, and to the many beautiful young ladies who helped deliver all the gifts. A Very Special Thanks to Fadia Nissan for coordinating this big effort in the midst of the busy holiday season! HOLIDAY CHEER FOR NURSING HOME RESIDENTS Volunteers from the CALC hosted a Christmas Dinner for Chaldean residents at the St. Anthony Nursing Home in Warren. Residents were treated to a delicious dinner and surprised with Christmas gifts of robes and slippers. The residents very much enjoyed the good company. A special thank you is extended to Margaret Butti who helped put this event together. SENIOR HOME DINNER The Senior Committee of the CALC again provided a wonderful luncheon to seniors residing at the Chaldean Manor. We thank our Seniors Committee members Sally Najor, Norma Hakim, Betty Babbie, Milad Konja and Batool Jaboro who volunteered and hosted this event. A wonderful time was had by all! CALC MEMBERSHIP REMINDER: IT’S TIME TO RENEW CALC is renewing memberships this month. Your membership dues help support the numerous services and programs offered by the CALC. Make sure to renew your membership now. CALC dues are payable by personal check or money order and forwarded to CALC, 21711 W. 10 Mile Road, Suite 238, Southfield, MI 48075-1015. with the Shenandoah Cultural Committee to compile photos and archives of the history of Chaldeans in America. Mary’s other passion was her family. She is survived by her seven children, Ann (Robert) Hutchinson, Michael (Gloria) Kassa, Christine (Michael) Kassa/Skaredoff, Pauline (David) Kennedy, Joan (Amer) Jemmoa, Jean Kassa, Kathryn (Craig Jr.) Crawford; her brothers, George and Joseph Kassa; and many grandchildren, nieces and nephews. A heartfelt thanks from the Kassa family for all your prayers, love, and support. 20 CHALDEAN NEWS FEBRUARY 2006 ADVERTORIAL

oushala Nuntub Hameth MARINATED FISH BY SOHAM HADDAD ZOMA INGREDIENTS 4 whole mackerel cleaned and gutted 4 tablespoons chopped marjoram, 2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil Finely grated peel and juice of 1 lime 2 garlic cloves, minced Salt and pepper DIRECTIONS Make a slit in the stomach of the fish. Rinse fish under cold water. Dry with paper towels. Cut five diagonal slashes on side of fish. Marinate fish in marjoram, olive oil, lime peel and juice, garlic, salt and pepper. Refrigerate for 30 minutes. Broil in oven 5-6 minutes on each side. Serve over rice. Upscale Dining Full Bar Open 7 Days Lunch & Dinner: Mon. - Fri. Dinner Only Sat. & Sun. Reserve your event or party in one of our three banquet rooms Farmington Rd. Orchard Lk. Rd. Maple Rd. 14 Mile Rd. 6066 W. Maple Rd. West Bloomfield Ph: 248-851-0805 Fax: 248-851-6964 FEBRUARY 2006 CHALDEAN NEWS 21




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