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from the EDITOR

from the EDITOR Published By The Chaldean News, LLC Editorial Editor in Chief Vanessa Denha-Garmo managing Editor Joyce Wiswell Contributing Writers Fr. Frank Kalabat Fenar Kashat Jovan Jane Kassab Weam Namou Anthony Samona Eric Younan art & production creative director Alex Lumelsky with SKY Creative graphic designers Zina Lumelsky with SKY Creative Joseph Sesi Photographer James Wallace operations Interlink Media director of operations Martin Manna circulation Stacey Sheena CLASSIFIEDS Joyce Wiswell sales Interlink Media sales representativeS Interlink Media Sana Navarrette Stacey Sheena managers Vanessa Denha-Garmo Martin Manna Michael Sarafa subscriptions: per year The Chaldean News 29850 Northwestern Highway, Suite 250 Southfield, MI 48034 Phone: (248) 996-8360 Publication: The Chaldean News (P-6); Published monthly; Issue Date: December 2013 Subscriptions: 12 months, . Publication Address: 29850 Northwestern Hwy., Suite 250, Southfield, MI 48034; Application to Mail at Periodicals Postage Rates is Pending at Farmington Hills Post Office Postmaster: Send address changes to “The Chaldean News 29850 Northwestern Highway, Suite 250, Southfield, MI 48034” ’Tis the Season for Giving Last year, after my daughter circled about 20 items in a Toys R Us catalogue for all the things she was going to ask Santa for, she sat at the kitchen table and proceeded to circle jewelry pieces from a high-end local jeweler. I asked, “What are you doing Elayna? Are you circling gift ideas to get mommy?” She replied, “No, these are gifts for you to get me.” Expensive taste for a then 5-year-old and not much has changed in a year. She has already piled up catalogues from local jewelers, toy stores and even Bed, Bath & Beyond of what she plans to not just ask Santa, but show him when she visits the mall. Every year I stress out about what to buy for Christmas. The old saying goes, “it is better to give than to receive” and so this December issue we focus on a list of charities in our community. There is no shortage of people in need and the Chaldean charitable organizations are doing what they can to best serve the community. I grew up with the Chaldean American Ladies of Charity (CALC) as my mom was one of the original members. I am still very involved in the organization. There is nothing more humbling than buying Christmas gifts for CALC families in need. One year, my sister Vera and I dropped off two carloads of gifts to a refugee family in Oak Park. Vera is the person who would literally take Vanessa denha-garmo editor in chief co-publisher the shirt off her back for someone else. She spent way over the allotted budget. In fact, when she realized the kids in this family had no beds, she immediately went into action, calling around to get mattresses and beds donated for them. The look of surprise and awe on the kids’ faces put us in tears. The little boy said with shock, “Are these all for us?” Just remembering that moment warms my heart. We are all gifted with various talents and we are all called to use our talents for the greater good. I have learned so much about evangelization over the last couple of years since I began working with ECRC to create Mar Toma Chaldean Productions. I have learned that charity work is part of evangelizing the faith because through good works we can bring others closer to Christ. I sit here writing this column in a cold Motown Snacks Warehouse helping AFPD give away nearly 6,000 turkeys to needy families. Although not a Chaldean organization, 40 percent of their members are Chaldean who are here with me giving back. Of course, I am handling the media coverage through my communications company but getting the word out about what charitable organizations do is one way I use my skills and experience for the greater good. Educating others on the good works of our non-profits in the community is vital to keeping them strong and stable so they can continue to help others in need. The Blessed Mother Teresa once said, “Love is not patronizing and charity isn’t about pity, it is about love.” I once interviewed a guy who was volunteering at a homeless shelter shortly after Michigan hit that recession and the auto companies were laying off thousands of people; he saw one of his former white-collar co-worker staying at shelter. His message was that, “it could have been me.” My dad used to make me read National Geographic magazines and he would drive me through some of the poorest Detroit neighborhoods anytime he thought I did not appreciate my life. He would say, “Look how others live in this world. This could have been you. Remember, you are no better than them. We are all God’s children and we don’t get to pick our parents.” Lesson learned. I was blessed to have been born into my family. I can foresee me doing the same with my daughter. So yes, tis the season to be charitable, to give back, to use our Godgiven talents to help others. It is also a season to remember that we must do this throughout the year — something our Chaldean charities do passionately. Support those who support others in need. Alaha Imid Koullen (God Be With Us All) Vanessa Denha-Garmo HERE FOR YOU LASER HAIR REMOVAL 0 SIX TREATMENTS FULL BODY LIGHTSHEER DUET PAINLESS & HIGH-SPEED HAIR REMOVAL FREE CONSULTATIONS OUR STAFF: Fatin Dakki and Dr. Steve Atallah 248-855-1545 5755 W. Maple Rd, Ste 119 West Bloomfield, MI 48322 Phone Online Office A division of Cole Taylor Bank, Cole Taylor Mortgage offers you a strong banking foundation. We combine that foundation with flexibility to provide you with the right mortgage loan product for your individual situation. Contact us today to learn about the many loan products available to help you. (248) 381-8865 30630 W. 12 Mile Rd., Ste. A, Farmington Hills Member FDIC NMLS #493677 6 CHALDEAN NEWS DECEMBER 2013

your LETTERS Super Glad On Tuesday, November 5, the Walled Lake Schools community approved the Safety, Security and Technology Bond for the Walled Lake Consolidated School District and we are humbled by their support. On behalf of the Board of Education, I want to thank each and every resident who participated in the election. I also want to thank the Citizens Committee for Walled Lake Schools who worked tirelessly on this effort. This bond was a parent-driven initiative led by Mr. Tim Lynch and Mrs. Stephanie Kaplan. They deserve the utmost gratitude and admiration, as they led a true grassroots campaign that reached out to the whole community. Everyone who served on the Citizens Committee demonstrated absolute dedication and commitment. Thank you to the citizens of the nine municipalities that comprise the Walled Lake Schools community for providing enhanced safety, improved technology, new buses, and many other improvements for our 15,000 children and the more than 70,000 residents we serve. Please know you have made a difference for many years to come. – Kenneth Gutman Superintendent of Schools ‘Most Enlightened’ I congratulate the Chaldean News for tackling the abortion debate in your November issue in a most enlightened manner. I also commend efforts by the ECRC and our churches that use persuasion (as opposed to threat of criminal law) to urge females seeking abortion to reconsider. I have always thought this issue is ripe with misunderstanding. No one celebrates abortion, and almost all, whether pro-life or pro-choice, agree that abortion is a tragedy. But, many who otherwise are anti-abortion, in the sense that they would not make it their choice, nonetheless feel morally not in a position to judge that others who choose otherwise be legally held to be committing a crime (remember Pope Francis’ recent statement: who am I to judge). A common ground appears to be that in order to effectively reduce abortion, we need to reduce unwanted pregnancies. I thought Michael Sarafa exposed in an articulate manner some of the difficulties our society and the Church need to address. – N. Peter Antone Let Us Hear From You! What do you think about the stories we’ve written? What stories would you like to see us write? Tell us what’s on your mind at CELEBRATING MORE THAN 40 YEARS OF BUSINESS OFFERING 20-60% OFF ENTIRE STORE 23077 Greenfi eld, Suite 380 • Southfi eld, Michigan 48075 248-559-5193 DECEMBER 2013 CHALDEAN NEWS 7




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