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ECONOMICS & enterprise

ECONOMICS & enterprise it’s a ‘rap’ Nick’s Chips partners with Eminem By Eric Younan Nick Sulaka takes pride in the Detroit roots of his snack foods enterprise, Nick’s Chips. When he wanted to increase awareness of his company, he partnered with another well-established Motor City brand — Grammy Award-winning, multi-platinum recording artist Eminem. In a promotion that ends in mid- December, the snack brand is giving away 15 prize packs of Eminem’s new album, The Marshall Mathers LP 2, in specially marked bags of Nick’s Chips. Sulaka, who dabbled in the music business himself, used past connections to ink the deal with the alliterative rapper. “I used to be involved in the music industry when I was younger and a friend of mine with whom I used to work has a strong relationship with Shady Records and Interscope [Eminem’s label],” Sulaka said. “We sat down a few times and discussed the possibility of working with Eminem on upcoming projects.” As part of the promotion, each bag of Nick’s Chip is adorned with a sticker featuring the album cover. Sulaka said the partnership has been an immense success. “I woke up one morning and saw the anchors on Fox 2 News eating our Hot Corn Chips talking about how addicting they were,” he said. “The contest was being promoted on Newspapers and bloggers all across the world have written articles on this. Being involved with one of the biggest artists in the world is helping our product become a recognized brand rather than just another generic brand.” While there are many celebrities with Detroit roots, partnering with Eminem was an easy decision for Sulaka. “From a fan’s point of view he’s one of my favorite artists,” Sulaka said. “From a business standpoint with him being the music icon he is, we couldn’t have done any better. To be honest I feel the real question is, why they chose us rather than other local chip companies?” Eminem’s camp echoed Sulaka’s sentiments. “Partnering with the local company was a no-brainer for Eminem,” said Paul Rosenberg, cofounder of Shady Records and Emimem’s manager, in a statement. “We are really glad to have the opportunity to share our marketing efforts with a Detroit-based company. The contest with Nick’s brand is a fun way to engage fans with this popular snack with rich history.” Rosenberg added “Eminem is a huge fan of Nick’s Chips and cannot choose a favorite flavor.” Nick’s Chips started three years ago in Warren. Today, it offers more than 35 products and flavors ranging from potato/corn/tortilla chips to popcorn, cheese curls and pork rinds. Nick’s Chips distributes its products within Michigan, where it sells more than 5 million bags a year. It also ships to California, Georgia, Nevada and New York and is seeking to expand into other markets. Nick’s also sells snack foods through its website, Sulaka said other deals with celebrities are forthcoming, but he’s not tipping his hat just yet. “You’ll just have to wait and see,” he said. We’re making small business loans! Bank of Michigan is committed to financing local business. SBA Loans are great for: ▼ Debt Refinancing ▼ Equipment Purchases ▼ Business Acquisition ▼ Commercial Real Estate Acquisition and Refinance Now’s the time! SBA financing rates and terms are competitive. Bank of Michigan is an SBA Preferred Lender and we’re ready to help finance your business plans. Call Barry Boozan at 248.865.1300 now and get started. Here to Help 30095 Northwestern Hwy. Farmington Hills, MI 48334 Fax: 248-865-0355 Subject to credit approval 38 CHALDEAN NEWS DECEMBER 2013

10 QUESTIONS for… Baba Noel: The man of the moment Santa took a break from his busy schedule to talk to the Chaldean News. Merry Christmas everyone! Describe yourself in three — and only three — words Jolly, merry, p’sehka (happy) If you were stuck on a desert island, what three books would you want with you? The Night Before Christmas, How the Grinch Stole Christmas, and The Care & Feeding of Reindeer The top three songs on my iPod are … Santa Claus Is Coming to Town, Here Comes Santa Claus, and Santa Baby My favorite thing about being Chaldean is … Eating pacha on Christmas My least favorite thing is … When people are naughty My motto is … Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night! The one thing about me that surprises people is … That I like chai and kelecha better than milk and cookies If I could have any talent, it would be … Reading and writing Soureth (I do speak it fluently) If I could travel back in time for a vacation, I’d go to … The birth of Jesus of course! A perfect day consists of … Flying around the world giving gifts to good little girls and boys DECEMBER 2013 CHALDEAN NEWS 39




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