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chaldean on the STREET

chaldean on the STREET What’s your favorite thing about A Chaldean Christmas? Wa’hla Maran! (Christ is born!) Shuha ta Shimeh, Ou Slowathid Maryam Yimeh! (The prayers of his Mother Mary) By Anthony Samona My favorite thing about celebrating Christmas as a Chaldean is knowing that I will be with all the people I love. As a Chaldean, we are blessed to have such close families. We all lead busy lives and don’t always make time for the most important people in our lives, those who have been there through it all. It is on these days that we all come together to celebrate something special and holy. This is my favorite time of the year. Alan Mukhtar, 31 Farmington Hills Christmas as a Chaldean is very special to me because not only do we celebrate the birth of Jesus with our immediate family and first cousins, but we get to celebrate his birth with our Catholic families. Each parish celebrates mass a minimum of two times on Christmas Eve and a minimum of one mass on Christmas morning. Being able to stay at any church for a whole day on Christmas Eve and watching the pews fill up at each mass shows the innate sense of Christ’s birth instilled in all Chaldeans. Stefan Sandiha, 23 Bloomfield Hills Attending the evening mass on Christmas Eve is something I really love. The neverending line to get into the church, and the parking lot overflowing with people nonstop shows me how beautiful it is, that our community doesn’t forget to celebrate the birth of our Lord on this night. To me, Christmas is all about giving and time spent with my family. Shopping for the refugee families never fails to get me in the Christmas spirit, and always remembering, “Jesus is the reason for the season.” Madalyne Sandiha, 14 West Bloomfield Being married into a Chaldean family really shows me how beautiful and unique the Chaldean culture is. First, I think it’s amazing to have 40 kids in one house at one time! Second, the infamous double kiss on both cheeks during the holidays, it’s a workout going up to every person and kissing them on both cheeks. Third, I never thought I would be picking grape leaves to eat dolma during the holidays. I love me some dolma! Ashley Hindo, 28 Commerce Township We are so lucky to have such an amazing Chaldean cuisine, and it especially shows on Christmas. Americans usually have honey baked ham as their holiday dish while we have our famous pacha! Nothing beats pacha around the holidays. The lemony flavor of rice and soup gets me in the spirit all the time. John Gabriel, 23 Shelby Township My favorite thing about being Chaldean while celebrating Christmas is playing Secret Santa with my whole family. Now, I know Secret Santa isn’t a Chaldean tradition, but playing it in my family takes a good two hours because of how many relatives, aunts, uncles and cousins I have. It’s a never-ending game of gift exchanging. Steven Shammami, 21 Warren My favorite thing about Christmas is being surrounded by my big Chaldean family! I love watching the excitement on the faces of my nieces and nephews while they are opening their presents because they know Santa left them extra presents. Our culture is so unique and it definitely shows around the holidays. Ashley Ayar, 25 Troy My favorite thing about celebrating Christmas as a Chaldean would have to be family. Being a Chaldean is a gift because of our huge families, so just being surrounded by family would have to be the best part. But of course, as a Chaldean, you must compliment the food. Yuma is the best! Samantha Sandiha, 15 West Bloomfield Since I can remember, my family has had a traditional way of celebrating Christmas. Celebrating Christmas as a Chaldean means being squished in rooms filled with relatives, sharing lots of love and eating until you can’t breathe. Christmas is a holiday that’s meant to be spent with those who love and care for you, which is why I spend it with my family. Jacqueline Sandiha, 19 Troy Around Christmas, I hear more people asking, “How can I help a family in need?” We are so blessed to have organizations such as AARF and COACH, and further blessed to have generous people who selflessly want to give as much as they can. That’s what Christmas is about, seeking and giving. Roxanne Arabo West Bloomfield 20 CHALDEAN NEWS DECEMBER 2013





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