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eligion Away in a Manger

eligion Away in a Manger Catholics traditionally leave the Child out of their Nativity scenes until after Midnight Mass on Christmas Eve. This prayer, in which we humble ourselves before the Savior of the World, born as a Child in a stable, is the perfect prayer to accompany the placement of the Child in the manger. You can pray this as a family every night and start a new Christmas tradition. Prayer to Jesus in the Manger O Divine Redeemer Jesus Christ, prostrate before Thy crib, I believe Thou art the God of infinite Majesty, even though I do see Thee here as a helpless babe. I humbly adore and thank Thee for having so humbled Thyself for my salvation as to will to be born in a stable. I thank Thee for all Thou didst wish to suffer for me in Bethlehem, for Thy poverty and humility, for Thy nakedness, tears, cold and sufferings. Would that I could show Thee that tenderness which Thy Virgin Mother had toward Thee, and love Thee as she did. Would that I could praise Thee with the joy of the angels, that I could kneel before Thee with the faith of St. Joseph, the simplicity of the shepherds. Uniting myself with these first adorers at the crib, I offer Thee the homage of my heart, and I beg that Thou wouldst be born spiritually in my soul. Make me reflect in some degree the virtues of Thy admirable nativity. Fill me with that spirit of renunciation, of poverty, of humility, which prompted Thee to assume the weakness of our nature, and to be born amid destitution and suffering. Grant that from this day forward, I may in all things seek Thy greater glory, and may enjoy that peace promised to men of good will. abortion to decline, we need to stop unwanted pregnancies from occurring in the first place. If that’s true, why has the rate of the abortion increased since the introduction of birth control? Additionally, the pill, the most common form of birth control, doesn’t just prevent pregnancy from occurring, but in Casa Casa De De 50 Decor percent of Decor the time, it actually stops a pregnancy that already occurred from continuing. So women on the contraceptive pill are having an “unintended” abortion month after month. So you see, it’s pretty obvious when you give it an honest look; the Located in the Robin’s Nest Shopping Center answers Located in the Robin’s Nest Shopping Center are right there. The question of birth control is not tricky at Casa www.casadedecor.n D all. It may be hard to accept, but it’s not tricky. I leave you to ponder the Introducing words of Venerable Archbishop Ful- Sheen: “Birth Control — The Introducington 7305 Orchard Lake Rd. • designer words are not very proper, because designer those who Located believe in in the it Robin’s actually Nest believe neither in birth nor in Shopp control.” Merry Christmas! Visit our website, Mackenzie www.ChaldeanNews. Mackenzie com, for a list of Christmas masses at Childs Michigan’s Chaldean churches. Childs church view continued from page 11 7305 Orchard 7305 Orchard Lake Rd. Lake • W. Rd. Bloomfield • W. Bloomfield • 248-757-2498 • 248-757-249 Introducin Fenar Kashat is a certified Billings Ovulation Method teacher and can be Other Designers reached at Other Designers We Carry: We Carry: designe • Paul Robert • Ambella Home • Paul Robert • Ambella Home Mackenzi • Maitland-Smith • GG Collection • Maitland-Smith • GG Collection • Highland House • Sid Dickens Child • Highland House • Sid Dickens • Hooker Furniture • La Barge • Hooker Furniture • La Barge Other Designers We Ca • Theodore Alexander • Theodore Alexander • Paul Robert • Ambella Ho • John Richards • Johnathan Charles • John Richards • Johnathan Charles • Highland House • Sid Dick • Hooker Furniture • La Ba 7305 Orchard Lake Rd. • W. Bloomfield • 248-757-2498 • Theodore Alexan Located in the Robin’s Nest Shopping Center • John Richards • Johnathan Cha Casa De Decor • Maitland-Smith • GG Collec Casa De Decor 7305 Orchard Lake Rd. • W. Bloomfield • 248-757-2498 Located in the Robin’s Nest Shopping Center 18 CHALDEAN NEWS DECEMBER 2013 Introducing designer Introducing designer Mackenzie Linda 248-761-7982 Childs Other Designers We Carry: • Paul Robert • Ambella Home • Maitland-Smith • GG Collection • Highland House • Sid Dickens • Hooker Furniture • La Barge • Theodore Alexander • John Richards • Johnathan Charles Linda 248-761-7982 Other Designers We Carry: 11am-7pm Transform • Paul Robert Transform • Ambella your Home home your home in a weekend 11am-7pm in a weekend mon thru sat mon thru sat • Maitland-Smith • GG Collection Transform your home • Highland House • Sid Dickens • Hooker Off Furniture Off • La Barge Off Off 0 Any • Theodore Purchase Alexander Of 0 Off Any Purchase Of Off Off Any Purchase Of Any Purchase Of Any Purchase Of Any Purchase Of • John 0 Richards Of More 0 Of More • Johnathan Charles Any Purchase Of Any Purch 0 Of More 0 Of More 0 Of More 0 Of More 0 Of More 0 Of O With Denice’s Deals Coupon. 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OBITUARIES Nabil Jamil Sitto Nabil Jamil Sitto was born on April 12, 1949 and died on July 27, 2013. Nabil is survived by his children Haythim, Jimmy, Jennifer, Vincent, Calvin and Justin. He is also survived by three grandchildren. We little knew that morning that God was going to call your name. In life, we loved you dearly. In death, we do the same. Dad, it broke our hearts to lose you. You did not go alone, for part of us went with you. The day God called you home you left us peaceful memories. Your love is still our guide, and though we can’t see you, you are always at our side. We might have lost a great father, brother, friend and grandfather, but we gained an even more wonderful angel. We love you and we will never forget you Dad. Hikmat Josy Soka On the morning of October 5, 2013, Hikmat passed away at Providence Hospital in Southfield, Michigan, while being attended by family members. Hikmat was 72 years old. Hikmat Soka was born in the town of Basra, Iraq on December 17, 1940. He was the second child, and the first son, of Victoria Noocha and Josy Soka. Hikmat owned his own business that he very much enjoyed, Danielle’s Bakery and Imported Foods. Hikmat was a beautiful man. Brother, husband and grandfather, he enjoyed life to the fullest and also loved his family. His most favorite were his grandchildren who he loved more than life. He also had a gentle and caring heart. He always loved to be surrounded by his family. He left a beautiful impression on whoever he met. Hikmat was married to his late wife, Josephine Noocha Soka. May she rest in heaven. He is survived by his daughter Danielle, her husband Michael and their two children, Dylan and Logan Krauthofer; and his daughter Natalia, her husband Saad and their two sons, Gabriel and Blake Gorji. Hikmat had nine brothers and sisters: Siham, Sabah, Najah, Amal, Riad, Janan, Eman, Ekram and Khloud. He loved them dearly. His family greatly loved him, Hikmat was the greatest man in the world. He will never be forgotten and he will always be missed so dearly. May our loving father rest in heaven. Balsam Sabah Yatooma-Mansor Balsam Sabah Yatooma-Mansor passed away on November 10, 2013 at the age of 41. She was born on May 24, 1972. Balsam was a registered nurse who worked as a clinical director of Home Care Professionals, a home health care agency. She was a graduate of UM-Dearborn. She lived in Novi. Originally diagnosed in October 2008 with breast cancer, Balsam underwent chemotherapy, radiation and a double mastectomy. She went into remission but had a recurrence right after Christmas 2012. She underwent a chemotherapy treatment plan and finished in August 2013. She then went on to hormone therapy, which proved not to work, and her cancer advanced to her lungs, liver and bones to the point chemo could no longer be administered and nothing could be done. Balsam was the wife of Steve Mansor and the mother of Nathan Jamil Mansor, age 6. Her parents are Aziza Abro and Sabah Yatooma. Her siblings are Danielle Yatooma, Jannelle (Yatooma) Zawaideh, Guilliana Yatooma and Bassam Yatooma. Best Gift You Can Give Your Family this Christmas is a Peace of Mind by getting Life Insurance and Financial Security Recently deceased Community members Nakeya Mikha Sitto (July 1, 1940 - Nov. 17, 2013) Basima Kalasho (July 1, 1943 - Nov. 1, 2013) Call today to find out how you can give your family the gift of love. 248.210.7150 Mariam Jabero Orow (July 1, 1930 - Nov. 12, 2013) Agoub Savani Zaitouna (July 1, 1919 - Oct. 24, 2013) “I will forever be grateful to Robert Faranso for loving his daughters so much he ensured their financial future with life insurance.” – Suzanne Denha Faranso Hanna Kiryakos Makho (July 1, 1931 - Nov. 7, 2013) Samie David Abbo (Feb. 3, 1944 - Oct. 23, 2013) Kareem Tobia Arafat (July 1, 1932 - Nov. 4, 2013) Amer Hanna Hwier (Feb. 10, 1950 - Oct. 21, 2013) DECEMBER 2013 CHALDEAN NEWS 19




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