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in the CHURCH’S view

in the CHURCH’S view Birth control arguments are emotionally based By Fr. Frank Kalabat It continues to baffle me that Michael Sarafa chooses to look to secular media for the go-to resource on Catholic news [“The Tricky Question of Birth Control,” November 2013]. First of all, the Pope is constantly misquoted in the secular news. The Pope did not say “who am I to judge” as a means of saying that maybe it’s OK, but more of on the lines of what Jesus does and that is not judge, but bring the person to a greater relationship with Christ and then maybe that will cause the person to understand that homosexuality is wrong! He actually said that Church teaching is clear and there is no need to reiterate what it says but instead bring real change through Christ and not a moral teaching that is clear. Read the interview please; it’s marvelous and it’s found in America Magazine. Mike’s article sounded like one from Time Magazine or U.S. News & World Reports, and I don’t mean that as a compliment. Second, most of his arguments are unfortunately emotionally based and void of necessary elements that lead us to the truth. Mike, if you would have attended the Bible study at ECRC (I know, shameful plug) you may have learned the difference between arguing important moral issues based on truth and not emotions, as what St. John in his 1st letter Chapter 2 commands us, or else we fall like those in the community who left the Church (by the way, the Bible study is on Tuesdays nights at 7 p.m.). This makes Mike sound like President Obama — and I definitely don’t mean that as a compliment — who emotionally argues for infanticide and not just abortion. As for the Church “supporting” pro-war presidents and still claim to be “pro-life,” I agree that the two don’t go together but that they are the lesser of the two evils. For the last countless elections, I personally did not vote FOR these ‘prowar’ presidents, but actually voted AGAINST immoral candidates, like Clinton and Obama, whose war on the innocent have reached horrific levels. Finally, what happened to the United States once contraception was legalized in 1967 for married couples and in 1972 for unmarried couples? The legalization of abortion in 1973 where more than 70 percent of the law was copied from the legalization of contraception. That led to the legalization of homosexuality (anti-sodomy laws) and guess where they borrowed most of the verbiage from? Anticontraception laws. Pope Paul VI in the ’60s predicted this would happen and now this venerable man, Saint to be, is correct. A lesser moral evil does not abolish the greater, but actually leads to the greater moral evil. Contraception eventually leads to the moral decay of society even if practiced by well-meaning couples. Maybe the Church should be more vocal in its homilies, but I believe that Bible studies are better suited for these arguments to bring out the moral truths and nuances. I still love you Mike, and to use your misquote, “I’m not going to judge.” Fr. Frank Kalabat is the pastor at St. Thomas Chaldean Catholic Church in West Bloomfield. 10 CHALDEAN NEWS DECEMBER 2013

The not-so tricky question of birth control By Fenar Kashat The Catholic Church is the world’s biggest and oldest organization and let’s face it, she hasn’t changed her teaching for 2,000 years. Isn’t it time for the Church to get with the times? It’s the 21st century and they’re still teaching that contraception is immoral? Who’s listening anyway? Well I am, and many others like me. We’re the new generation of young Catholics who took the time to see why the Church teaches what she does, and found a profound beauty in it. You see, the Church doesn’t just randomly declare or change a teaching. She doesn’t aim to be modern or “with the times,” and she definitely is not looking for a popular vote. So why then does the Church teach what she does about contraception? The truth is, love, marriage, sex and children were created by God and ordained to be the highest form of human relationships, and as a result anything that goes against that design is immoral. Sex was designed by God to be enjoyed by married couples and to be fruitful by bringing forth children. Therefore, all married couples should have 13 kids, right? In 1968, Pope Paul VI, in a letter to all faithful titled Humanae Vitae, presented the teaching of the Church as such: If there are well-grounded reasons for avoiding pregnancy arising from physical or psychological condition of the husband or wife, then the married couple may take advantage of the natural cycles (Natural Family Planning-NFP) (#16). As a certified NFP teacher, nothing gets to me more than when others describe NFP as the rhythm or calendar methods. These methods are so outdated and are rarely, if at all, practiced. The two prominent methods used today are the Billings Ovulation method (named after Dr. Billings) and the Sympto-Thermal method. Both methods are based on extensive scientific research and are 99 percent effective in preventing pregnancies. What other advantages do they offer? NFP can be used for both avoiding or achieving pregnancy; it’s 100 percent natural, drug free without side effects or long-term health risk; it’s simple and easy to use (taught in many third-world countries) and applies to all stages in life; and it strengthens the marital relationship. In fact, NFP users report a drastically lower divorce rate (0.01 percent) than others. Does NFP come with a magic potion or what? Obviously not, but couples who practice NFP are Catholics who desire to live out their faith in all aspects of their lives. They’re saying to God: “We were united in your Church and want to follow you in all we do as a husband and wife.” And this is precisely why contraception is immoral. Contraception rejects the natural design and aims to be in control. Additionally, even though it may be effective (short term) in preventing pregnancy, the problems it brings long term are nothing to ignore. Since the introduction of contraception in the late 1960s, the divorce rate has doubled. The rate of cohabitation, illegitimacy and infidelity has also seen a dramatic increase. There also has been a general lowering of moral standards especially in the area of sexuality. All of these problems have been forewarned in Humanae Vitae (mentioned above), so is the Church really out of touch or is it the only one seeing clearly? There’s the famous argument defending contraception: if we want church view continued on page 18 All backed by our 30-Day Money-Back Comcast Customer Guarantee 99 XFINITY ® Economy Plus Internet a month for 12 months (for 1 whole year) Best way to save. All year long. Right now you can get XFINITY Internet at a great price for an entire year! Make the most of your time online. XFINITY ® delivers the fastest in‐home WiFi for all rooms, all devices, all the time. 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