CHALDEAN COMMUNITY FOUNDATION Help Wanted! Please consider hiring one of our many new Americans. More than 30,000 Chaldean refugees have migrated to Michigan since 2007. Many possess the skills and determination to work hard for you and your organization. The Chaldean Community Foundation (CCF) has a bank of resumes of candidates qualified to do a variety of jobs. To inquire about hiring a New American, call or email Elias at 586-722-7253 or Chaldean Community Foundation Sterling Heights Office 3601 15 Mile Road Sterling Heights, MI 48310 586-722-7253 4 CHALDEAN NEWS AUGUST 2018
CONTENTS AUGUST 2018 THE CHALDEAN NEWS VOLUME 15 ISSUE VII departments 6 FROM THE EDITOR BY VANESSA DENHA GARMO Choosing a college 8 IN MY VIEW BY MICHAEL SARAFA I’ll take more taxes and my friend’s dignity back 18 on the cover 18 COLLEGE BOUND! BY ASHOURINA SLEWO AND VANESSA DENHA GARMO features 25 CHALDEAN HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS SHINE IN AND OUT OF THE CLASSROOM BY STEPHEN JONES 26 HOPE, HEALING, AND HAPPINESS BY MONIQUE MANSOUR How the Surviving Divorce support group fills a need in the Chaldean community 28 A CALL TO LOVE AND SERVE BY VANESSA DENHA GARMO Thousands witnessed two priestly ordinations at Mother of God Cathedral 32 CAMP EXPANDS KIDS’ SPIRITUAL, SOCIAL HORIZONS BY PAUL NATINSKY 9 WHERE DO YOU STAND? BY MICHAEL SARAFA Birth control back in the news 10 GUEST COLUMNS BY MARGO SCHLANGER Update on the Deportation Litigation: Hamama v. Adducci BY ASHOURINA SLEWO AND VANESSA DENHA GARMO What’s in the name? BY ALISON THOMAS The gift of a lifetime 12 NOTEWORTHY 14 CHAI TIME 16 RELIGION 17 OBITUARIES 34 CHALDEAN ON THE STREET BY HALIM SHEENA Where to go to college? 36 ONE ON ONE BY MARTIN MANNA Bishop Basilio Yaldo 38 ECONOMICS AND ENTERPRISE BY M. LAPHAM A bowl of comfort 39 DOC IS IN BY NAHLA WADIE-SALEM BDS, DDS Gum disease, nerve infection in the mouth 42 SPORTS BY STEVE STEIN Brandon Sinawi now holding court at Catholic Central AUGUST 2018 CHALDEAN NEWS 5
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