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noteworthy After

noteworthy After Saturday Comes Sunday Born in Rochester, New York, Susan Adelman is a pediatric surgeon, artist, silversmith, and author. Her latest book “After Saturday Comes Sunday” was inspired by Adelman’s 92-year-old Chaldean “mother” Norma Hakim. The book begins with the biographical story of Norma Hakim, who hails from Northern Iraq, and the biography of a Kurdish Jewish woman who is now living in Israel. Adelman writes about the history of Christians and Jews in the Middle East. “Their languages, dialects of the 3000-year-old Aramaic language, are under threat, and their homelands continuously threatened by war.” “Their stories illustrate the rich centuries-long traditions that are at risk. Can the remaining Christians and their language be saved from extinction in their very birthplace? At least the United States must extend them an umbrella of support so they may rebuild their indigenous communities and train their own militias if they ever hope to resettle safely at home, resume their traditional way of life, and raise children who speak their language.” Detroit Skating Club – Annual Ice Show The Detroit Skating Club hosted their 19th annual ice show from June 28 through July 1. This year’s them was “…And the Greatest of These is Love”. This year’s show included about 160 ice skaters across a number of age groups and skill levels – several of which were Chaldean children. Chaldean Mass at St. Anne’s Chaldean Mass was celebrated in honor of St. Anne at the Roman Catholic parish of St. Anne’s in Detroit on July 23. CAAHP Scholarship and Awards Gala The Chaldean-American Association for Health Professionals hosted their second annual Scholarship and Awards Gala Shenandoah Country Club on July 13. With more than 350 people in attendance, there were several distinguished guests including Wayne State University Vice President of Health Affairs, David Hefner and State Representative Klint Kesto. The evening’s keynote speaker was Dr. Mona Hanna-Attisha. Honored at the gala: Dr. Rena Daiza received the Rising Star Award, Dr. Sabri Shukri received the Lifetime Achievement Award, and Dr. Paul Shikwana posthumously received the Leader in Medicine Award. View more photos on Vacation Bible School The Eastern Catholic Re-Evangelization Center (ECRC) once again hosted Vacation Bible School. The first week was hosted at Mother of God Chaldean Catholic Church and the remaining three weeks were hosted at St. Thomas Chaldean Catholic Church. Due to increased popularity, this was the first year in which a fourth week of VBS was added. Zipping Through Nature Camp Dearborn, located in Milford, unveiled their latest attraction on July 14 – a 1,400-foot-long zip line. Said to be the longest zip line in Michigan, Camp Dearborn’s new amenity is sure to be a hit with lovers of heights and nature. The line will take riders from a six-story tower at Elm Circle over a lake and down onto the main beach. It will be open noon to 6:30 p.m. Thursday through Monday For more information about the zip line or ticket pricing, call (248) 684- 6000 or (313) 943-2076. 12 CHALDEAN NEWS AUGUST 2018

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