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from the EDITOR

from the EDITOR PUBLISHED BY The Chaldean News, LLC EDITORIAL EDITOR IN CHIEF Vanessa Denha-Garmo MANAGING EDITOR Joyce Wiswell CONTRIBUTING WRITERS Giavana Kassab Weam Namou Paul Natinsky Michael Sarafa Renna Sarafa Halim Sheena ART & PRODUCTION CREATIVE DIRECTOR Alex Lumelsky with SKY Creative GRAPHIC DESIGNERS Zina Lumelsky with SKY Creative Joseph Sesi with Sesi Design Group PHOTOGRAPHERS Razik Tomina Alex Lumelsky OPERATIONS Interlink Media DIRECTOR OF OPERATIONS Martin Manna CLASSIFIEDS Joyce Wiswell SALES Interlink Media SALES REPRESENTATIVES Interlink Media Sana Navarrette MANAGERS Vanessa Denha-Garmo Martin Manna Michael Sarafa SUBSCRIPTIONS: PER YEAR THE CHALDEAN NEWS 30850 TELEGRAPH ROAD, SUITE 220 BINGHAM FARMS, MI 48025 WWW.CHALDEANNEWS.COM PHONE: (248) 996-8360 Publication: The Chaldean News (P-6); Published monthly; Issue Date: August 2016 Subscriptions: 12 months, . Publication Address: 30850 Telegraph Road, Suite 220, Bingham Farms, Michigan 48025; Application to Mail at Periodicals Postage Rates is Pending at Farmington Hills Post Office Postmaster: Send address changes to “The Chaldean News 30850 Telegraph Road, Suite 200, Bingham Farms, MI 48025” Ready to Learn I don’t know what it is I learn plenty from the daily posts. Two months ago I but I love shopping for school supplies. When stumbled onto a post from I was a kid and now as a mother I get giddy when I get the list. It is so silly, I know, but I just love it. Just like any kid, I certainly Professor Michelle Najor from Wayne State University that I knew should be a Chaldean News story. Every August we give don’t want to think you, our readers, the about school as I sit here VANESSA School Listings issue. writing this column mid- DENHA-GARMO In this issue, it is only July on a 90-degree day, but back to school is soon approaching. EDITOR IN CHIEF CO-PUBLISHER fitting that we feature what we believe to be the first Chaldean to ever win I loved to pack my new backpack of the year with my new pencils, notebooks, markers, ruler and even the protractor, as much as I hated math. I have always been a student ready to learn. It’s probably why I ended up in journalism and communications; I love to learn new things every day and meet new people. There is a plethora of stories ready to be told inside this wonderful Chaldean community. You just have to look for them. I always do. People often ask me if we ever run out of ideas. No. My eyes are wide open and my ears are on high alert ready to learn something new. No worries, I am not being nosy, just curious. Once you start talking and asking questions, you are bound to discover a story worth telling. I also love to peruse social media. I have to for my career in communications. Keeping abreast of current events is vital in my ability to service my Denha Media clients. a Fulbright Scholarship. For those who have never heard of it, the Fulbright is a very prestigious honor; it is not easily earned. Monique Mansour hails from California but recently visited Michigan where I was able to meet her at our First Annual Chaldean Newsmaker of the Year event. She not only shared her story with me but advice for current college students. Educated in the seminary and now our newest priest, Fr. Bryan Kassa chatted with me via phone last month just days after his ordination at Mother of God Cathedral. I was not able to make the celebration in person but I was so happy to have watched via the internet thanks to a live stream video produced by ECRC Mar Toma Production’s video director Fadi Attisha. Just from posing my first questions, I knew I had the lead paragraph for my story. I immediately learned something about Fr. Bryan that I never knew. As a writer, you are trained to listen for that part of the story that will set the tone for the entire story or the part that will hook the reader from the beginning. It is usually off beat, different or what you wouldn’t expect. They are words that will keep the reader wanting more. With the words you are able to bring the reader into the story. I learned that in journalism school. I have always wanted to earn my Ph.D. but that is on hold. My hubby says that I can go back to school when we send our daughter off to college. Getting my master’s was no easy feat for me or him. No matter where you are in your life or career, gaining knowledge should always be a priority. We should never want to stop learning. I don’t really. As the Ph.D. program is on hold, I am content being a mom knowing my daughter teaches me just as much as I teach her and maybe even more. She probably always will. Alaha Imid Koullen (God Be With Us All) Vanessa Denha-Garmo Follow her on Twitter @ vanessadenha Follow Chaldean News on Twitter @ chaldeannews your LETTERS Building Communities I just wanted to share a story about the importance of giving back and communities helping each other out. I know that the Chaldean News has a long-standing relationship with the Jewish News and I thought my recent experience with local Jewish doctors would inspire others. I am a victim of Saddam Hussein’s regime. I have had permanent damage to my nerves and other parts of my body including my hearing due to being attacked with his chemical weapons in the ‘80s. Through a cousin, I met Valerie (Val) Rosner and through Val I met her husband, Dr. Arthur Rosner, a well-known and respected ear, nose and throat doctor. I was in desperate need of a hearing aid but was not able to afford one. The staff at Dr. Rosner’s office were beyond kind. They not only fitted me for a hearing aid but they also did it at no cost. His sister in-law, Dr. Debbie Rosner, a renowned ophthalmologist, also helped me with needed eye exams and new glasses. As people who share a similar heritage and a people who too have been badly persecuted, they were able to show great compassion for my circumstance. I am truly grateful. I can now hear again. May we all continue to help one another out and cross over to each other’s communities as Chaldean and Jews share so much in common. God Bless Dr. Rosner and his team and all like him. – Katrin Michael 6 CHALDEAN NEWS AUGUST 2016

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