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ANNUAL SCHOOL GUIDE leadership and involvement is much encouraged, as is the appreciation for cultural differences. They also offer an alternative school and a “virtual academy” in which students can take online courses. Madison accepts students from Oakland, Macomb and Wayne counties. Troy School District 4400 Livernois Troy, MI 48098 (248) 823-4000 Troy.K12.Mi.Us Chaldeans: About 20 percent Troy supports a quality education with enrichment programs that foster an appreciation for learning, diversity and mutual respect. They offer a complete K-12 IB program and all schools have received the Blue Ribbon Award. They also received an A+ rating from the Detroit News. Walled Lake Consolidated Schools 850 Ladd Road Walled Lake, MI 48390 (248) 956-2000 Chaldeans: About 30 percent Walled Lake, one of the largest school districts in the state, has shown significant gains in Michigan Educational Assessment Program (MEAP) and Michigan Merit Exam (MME) scores, as well as AP enrollment in the high schools. They continuously implement state-ofthe-art technology in their instruction and offer a variety of enrichment programs and community-wide initiatives. Like West Bloomfield, it is very diverse and all three of their high schools have been ranked in Newsweek’s list of advantageous schools. Warren Consolidated Schools 31300 Anita Drive Warren, MI 48093 (888) 492-7543 wcs.K12.Mi.Us Chaldeans: 30-40 percent More than 52 languages are spoken at home by students of Warren Schools’ diverse population and more than 3,500 kids are enrolled in English Learner classes. Warren is committed to using technology and providing a wide range of opportunities for its multicultural student body. It offers a strong curriculum in a friendly atmosphere supported by the local community. Sterling Heights High School has been named among the best in the nation by U.S. News & World Report. West Bloomfield School District 5810 Commerce Road West Bloomfield, MI 48324 (248) 865.6420 Chaldeans: About 15 percent West Bloomfield is a very diverse district that boasts rigorous academics, engaging programs and a 95 percent graduation rate. West Bloomfield High School, ranked in the top 6 percent of Newsweek’s most desirable schools, offers the most Advanced Placement (AP) classes than any other high school in Oakland County. There are more than 6,600 students enrolled in the schools, which have achieved Evergreen status through the students’ aggressive attitude to being energy conserving. Utica Community Schools 11303 Greendale Sterling Heights, MI 48312 (586) 797-1000 Chaldeans: About 25 percent Utica’s commitment to students can be found in their motto, “Every child achieves.” They have implemented a first-class curriculum and a culture in which students aspire to accomplish their goals. They have 28 Blue Ribbon schools and their students have the highest MEAP, MME and American College Testing (ACT) scores in Macomb County. – Updated by Renna Sarafa and Joyce Wiswell IT’S YOUR CASA: GET INVOLVED! LOCAL CHALDEAN AMERICAN STUDENT ASSOCIATIONS CASA CHAPTER UNIVERSITY PRESIDENT FIRST MEETING AND LOCATION INSTAGRAM EMAIL Michigan State University Jon Yelda TBA @MSU_CASA Oakland University Myrna Siba and Rajaa Sheena Freshmen Meet-and- Greet on September 8, noon, Banquet Room A. First Meeting: September 14, 1 p.m., Gold Room B. @OU_CASA University of Detroit Mercy Brenda Bakkal and Dylan Toma TBA @UDM_CASA; University of Michigan Ann Arbor Morgan Ammori and Brittany Kashat September 23, 8 p.m., Wolverine Room in the Michigan Union @CASAatUofM University of Michigan Dearborn Emily Kakos TBA @UMdearbornCASA Wayne State University Collin Konja September 21, 3 p.m., Student Center @WSU_CASA 32 CHALDEAN NEWS AUGUST 2016





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