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KIDS corner Rain, rain go away We have had a lot of rain this summer season. There is only a month left before school starts. Don’t fret if your outdoor plans are rained out. There are still a lot of fun things to do. • Get tied up in Twister • Get out the board games • Play Hide and Seek indoors • Put together those favorite puzzles • Get favorite photos and start a scrapbook • Dust off that old favorite movie and pop it into the DVD or video player • The library is loaded with books — take one out • Some sports clubs have indoor pools Other indoor summer fun Provide kids with fruits, vegetables and snack foods cut in a variety of shapes and sizes. Ask the kids to use the different shapes to create their own edible artwork. The only rule is that they have to eat whatever they put on their plates. Be sure to take pictures of their creations before they eat them. Go camping indoors. Pitch a tent in the living room and let the kids pretend that they are on a camping trip. Pull out the sleeping bags and they can take naps in the tent or even sleep the whole night there. Let them invite friends over for an indoor camping sleepover. Spend an afternoon writing letters or making homemade cards to send to out-of-state relatives. Let the kids make drawings, finger paint portraits, or collages to send to Grandma and Grandpa to adorn their refrigerator. WORD SEARCH CAN YOU FIND THESE WORDS ABOUT SUMMER? Zoo Frankenmuth Beach Pool Museum Camp Chaldean Library Golf Go Kart Batting cage AMNECESTSEDLECTUSALIQUAMBR ETIUMVESTIBULUMANTEIPSUMER IMISINFAUCIBUSORCILUCTUSAT ULTRICECAMPUERECUBILIACUCA ESEDTEMPUSTURPGSALEOPRAEHE NTMAGNAMIVARIPOOLCNSECTETU EREUAUCTORAMETLSVESTIBULUG ANMUSEUMPRLIMIFINFAUCIBUSO RCILUCTUSETULTRICESPOSUERC CUBILIACHALDEANHMUSUTSAPIA NNULLAFERMENTUMORCIQUISRUR RUMLOBORTISPULIBRARYALIQUT TODIBATTINGCAGEIROSPKMASLI BEROTINCIDUNTMAUZOOCLASSAP FRANKENMUTHTIIOSQUADLITORA AUGUST 2008 CHALDEAN NEWS 59
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