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HALHOLE! Rudy Joseph

HALHOLE! Rudy Joseph First-time parents Rudy and Hind Patros are proud to announce the arrival of their son, Rudy Joseph Patros Jr. RJ was born on December 27, 2007, at 6:35 a.m. He weighed 6 lbs., 12 oz. and was 21 inches long. He is the second grandchild to Suad & the late Samir Patros and the 11th for Roza & the late Nasir Ketchel. Godparents are Ursula Kizy and Jeff Yono. Rudy Joseph [Weddings] Brent and Rose Brent Plater wed Rose Braz on May 24, 2008 at Drakes Beach in the Point Reyes National Seashore, California. The reception took place at Drakes Beach Café. Veronica and Mark Mark and Veronica Sesi exchanged vows in the sacrament of marriage on September 30, 2007 at St. Thomas Chaldean Catholic Church. The reception followed at Shenandoah Country Club where they danced the night away with family and friends. The newlyweds celebrated their honeymoon in the Greek Islands. Mark is the son of Mouhsin & Inam Sesi and Veronica is the daughter of Salim & Mary Kemerko. Mark is an attorney and Veronica is a physician specializing in neurology. Brent and Rose Veronica and Mark S U B S C R I B E ! 12-MONTH SUBSCRIPTION: I wish to subscribe to the Chaldean News for 12 issues Please fill in your name and address below: Name _____________________________________________________________________________ Address_________________________________________________________________________________ City ________________________________________ State _____ Zip _____________________ Phone ______________________________ E-mail _____________________________ PLEASE MAIL THE FORM, WITH A CHECK MADE PAYABLE TO: THE CHALDEAN NEWS ATTN: SUBSCRIPTIONS 30095 NORTHWESTERN HWY., SUITE 102, FARMINGTON HILLS, MI 48302 PHONE: 248-355-4850 WEB: WWW.CHALDEANNEWS.COM 22 CHALDEAN NEWS AUGUST 2008





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