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APRIL 2020

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CHAI time CHALDEANS CONNECTING COMMUNITY EVENTS IN AND AROUND METRO DETROIT APRIL 2019 Editor’s note: Typically “CHAI time” features opportunities for people to get together, for families to bond, friends to find each other and new adventures. CHAI time is the polar opposite of coronavirus. As with the rest of the world, Metro Detroiters are looking for things to do to beat the boredom and, while it’s a poor substitute for the real thing, “virtual” activities are out there. We have listed a couple below. There are many more on Facebook Live. So far, April event calendars still list events, though early April events are likely off. We have listed some events occurring later in month on the chance that they might still be held. March (all month) Fun With the Ann Arbor Hands-on Museum: Online at Facebook Live. Free of charge. March 30 Shamrocks & Shenanigans Virtual 4 Mile Run/ Walk: This 2nd annual event takes place the whole month of March with runners from all over the U.S. This virtual event can be completed anytime. Feel free to wear your green and complete all four miles at your own pace. Registration required. Location: Detroit,14150 Woodrow Wilson Detroit, MI 48238. For more information, visit: The Virtual Run Challenge April 16 Little Paws Story Time at the Humane Society of Huron Valley in Ann Arbor: Kids will enjoy a story, animal interactions and crafts. Ages 2-5. Location Humane Society of Huron Valley 3100 Cherry Hill Road. Time: (Thursday) 10:30 am - 11:30 am EST. Organizer: Humane Society of Huron Valley, marketing@ April 16 Three Part Writing Workshop: Do you have a story to write or a book to publish? The Chaldean Cultural Center is hosting a FREE 3-part writing workshop led by ambassadors of he Authors Guild of America, the nation’s oldest and largest writing organization. For more information, contact Chaldean Cultural Center, 5600 Walnut Lake Road, West Bloomfield, MI 48323 248-681-5050. April 18 Sheep Shearing & Pancake Breakfast at Hess- Hathaway Park in Waterford: Enjoy a hot pancake breakfast and then see the shearing of sheep and wool getting spun. Feed the animals, too. Time: (Saturday) 9:00 am - 11:00 am EST. Location: Hess-Hathaway Park 825 S. Williams Lake Road. Organizer: City of Waterford. April 25 Catholilc Youth Group Mom 2 Mom Sale: Find great deals on gently-used maternity wear, baby clothing, toys and gear. Time: (Saturday) 9:00 am - 1:00 pm EST. Location: St. Mary’s of Rockwood 32477 Church St. Organizer: Catholic Youth Group 734-244-6883. May 5 Khairy Foumia Book Signing: Hosted by the Chaldean Cultural Center at Shenandoah, Khairy Foumia will be an honored guest for his book titled, “Catalogue Manuscripts of the Church in Telkeppe.” Admission is per person and seating is limited. The event is on Tuesday, May 5th from 6 to 8 pm. Free access to the museum is included. 44050 W. 12 Mile Road Novi, MI 48377 248-NEWBODY Get your new body today. Dr. Elan Reisin and Dr. Ellen Ozolins BOARD CERTIFIED PLASTIC SURGEONS Your life-long commitment to looking and feeling your best with a full range of surgical and non-surgical procedures. Elan Reisin MD FACS SURGICAL SPECIAL $ 2,000 Off Mommy Makeover NON-SURGICAL SPECIAL 20% Off Halo or BBL 20 CHALDEAN NEWS APRIL 2020

OPPORTUNITIES THAT OVERFLOW. LESSONS THAT LAST. CONNECTIONS THAT COUNT. LEARN more D E T R O I T C O U N T R Y D A Y S C H O O L GRADES PK3 - 4 Maple Road Campus GRADES 5 - 8 Hillview Campus GRADES 9 - 12 Thirteen Mile Campus 248.646.7717 | 00855 DCDS, 1/4 page, Chaldean News, 3/24.indd 1 3/18/20 4:19 PM Good oral health habits start early! Children should see a dentist as soon as their first tooth shows, usually by 6 months of age. Delta Dental of Michigan APRIL 2020 CHALDEAN NEWS 21




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