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APRIL 2005

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ARTS & entertainment

ARTS & entertainment ‘wacky iraqi’ gets laughs “ Chaldean comic is gaining a following Idon’t want to bomb.” These were the first words nervously spoken by a Chaldean- American comedian in a heavy Middle Eastern accent before a sold-out crowd of more than 300 people just one week after the September 11 terrorist attacks. It was the first major performance for Nibras Joseph Abboud/Kasmikah — aka Joey Nibras, The Wacky Iraqi — at the Improv Auditorium in Orange County, California. Kasmikah was born in Detroit on January 1, 1972. “I was made in Baghdad and born in Detroit,” he remarked. “My mother was actually pregnant with me as my family was immigrating.” Kasmikah first began his career in comedy in 1998. He performed at small events in the Metro Detroit area, and in 1999, moved to Glendale, California. Then he jumped around all over the state, until recently settling in Hollywood. Kasmikah said he invented the stage name “The Wacky Iraqi” with the intent to educate the rest of the public about Middle Eastern culture, especially Chaldeans, through his comical creativity. “I wasn’t sure how well my name and fake accent would go over with people,” Kasmikah said. “It was real touchy, especially when I was about to imitate an Iraqi one week after the September 11 tragedy.” However, Kasmikah said his Middle Eastern skits went over quite well with the audience. BY OMAR BINNO “I had people laughing,” he said. “I could see it in their eyes; it was actually a healing experience for them. This made me feel great, especially considering the fact that I was extremely nervous.” “I had people GO ON, IT’S HEALTHY According to a study conducted by Dr. Lee Berk and fellow researcher Dr. Stanley Tan of Loma Linda University in California, laughter has a positive impact on a person’s overall health. It lowers blood pressure, reduces stress hormones and raises the level of the immune system by producing infection-fighting cells, as well as disease-destroying antibodies. Laughter also releases endorphins, which are the body’s naturally produced painkillers. GAINING STEAM Kasmikah now performs five days a week, and has a show called “Mediterranean Night” at the Ha Ha Café in Hollywood, where all sorts of Middle Eastern people gather to mingle and watch him perform. His long-term goals include writing screenplays and eventually directing them. He is currently working on one that he hopes will be produced within the next two years. laughing. I could see it in their eyes; it was actually a healing experience for them.” — NIBRAS KASMIKAH Live music for all occasions “I try and network as much as I can,” Kasmikah said. “I’ve come close to having Disney look at my work, but somebody at the top didn’t like Middle Eastern families.” Kasmikah seeks to reach out to the Chaldean community through his writing. “I’m working on a story now that depicts the dark side of the Chaldean community,” he said. “It’s aimed for the screen right now, but it’s turning into something so deep that it may end up as a book first. “I want to educate our younger generation about the dangers of some of the things they are getting involved in, like drugs and other underground activities,” he added. “A lot of times, parents become so involved with their businesses that they overlook spending the proper time to educate their kids. I know, because I’ve been there and done that. I was involved in some negative things myself back in the day, and I don’t want to see these kids grow up in that type of environment.” Check out clips of The Wacky Iraqi in action at: ✭ WEDDING CEREMONIES AND RECEPTIONS ✭ ANNIVERSARIES ✭ ✭ ENGAGEMENTS ✭ COMMUNIONS ✭ CHARITY EVENTS ✭ ETC... ✭ BOOKING INFORMATION: Call Jenelle Faranso at (248) 730-8899 or email “ Where words fail, music speaks —Hans Christian ” Andersen (1805-1875) 40 CHALDEAN NEWS APRIL 2005

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