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the DOCTOR is in Snuff

the DOCTOR is in Snuff the smoke DR. ALAA MANSOUR CONTRIBUTING COLUMNIST Spring is the perfect time to shed bad habits. If you’re a cigarette smoker, you already know that you need to quit. Cigarette smoking was responsible for nearly 5 million premature deaths worldwide in 2000. In the United States, cigarette smoking is the major preventable cause of disease and is estimated to result in more than 400,000 deaths each year. Smoking (cigarettes, cigars or pipes) is a known risk factor for coronary artery disease, chronic pulmonary lung diseases, cancer, peptic ulcer disease and complications of pregnancy including spontaneous abortion, ectopic pregnancy as well as premature menopause, infertility and bone loss. Smoking is also found to be associated with a twofold increase risk of developing type 2 diabetes and Alzheimer’s disease. Tobacco smoke contains all sorts of toxic compounds, including nicotine, tars and carbon monoxide. Both behavioral and pharmacologic approaches can be used to help you quit. Tapering versus quitting “cold turkey”: While gradual reduction may be used successfully in some group programs as a prelude to cessation, it is often associated with symptoms of nicotine withdrawal. Abrupt cessation, particularly on a defined “quit day,” is the currently preferred strategy. Hypnosis and acupuncture are the basis of many commercially available stop smoking programs, but studies have found no differences in outcome at any point in time. Nicotine replacement therapy: Designed to help alleviate nicotine withdrawal symptoms while you deal with the behavioral aspect of smoking cessation. Smoking while using nicotine replacement is not recommended. The combination of intensive behavioral programs and nicotine patches has produced favorable results. Treatment with nicotine patches is generally recommended at “full” dose for four to six weeks; some brands of patches also include a tapering period for several additional weeks. Bupropion (also known as Zyban) has been available for use as an antidepressant in the U.S. since 1990. A sustain release formulation of the drug is licensed as an aid to quitting smoking. Weight gain is very commonly associated with cessation. The benefit of quitting smoking clearly exceeds the negative aspects of weight gain in the range that generally occurs. The process of smoking cessation begins by setting a “quit day” within a two- to three-week period. You should stop smoking completely on your quit day and be prepared for a tobacco withdrawal period. Even with nicotine replacement or Bupropion, you may experience withdrawal symptoms including anxiety, frustration, depression and often an intense craving for cigarettes. Withdrawal symptoms often become very manageable within a few weeks. Some ways to cope with the early days of quitting include chewing gum, having increased activity and avoiding high-risk situations for smoking. All nicotine replacement therapies (gum, patch, inhaler, nasal spray and sublingual tablets) double your chances for success by reducing symptoms of withdrawal. Combination forms of nicotine replacement do not offer an advantage. Patches are preferred for easier use and compliance. The excess risk of death from coronary artery disease caused by smoking drops by 50 percent in the first year of abstinence from cigarettes and continues to decline. Similarly, the excess risk of lung cancer decreases steadily to a risk of 30 percent to 50 percent of that of continued smokers after 10 years. Smoking cessation reduces the death from other disease such as stroke, obstructive lung disease, peripheral vascular disease and stomach ulcers. Be sure to follow up with your health care provider during the process of smoking cessation. And good luck! Dr. Alaa Mansour is a board-certified internist with an office in Roseville. O A K L A N D Family Dentistry COSMETIC DENTISTRY ✶ VENEERS ✶ CROWNS ✶ BRIDGES ✶ TOOTH COLORED FILLINGS ✶ LASER TOOTH WHITENING ✶ ORAL SURGERY AND EXTRACTIONS ✶ DENTURES ✶ PARTIALS ✶ NON-SURGICAL GUM THERAPY ✶ ROOT CANAL THERAPY ✶ PEDIATRIC DENTISTRY Now Available: ORTHODONTICS FOR ADULTS CRANBROOK FINANCIAL GROUP, INC. P l a n n i n g f o r y o u r F i n a n c i a l N e e d s • SAME DAY EMERGENCY TREATMENT AVAILABLE • FINANCING OPTIONS / PAYMENT PLANS • MOST INSURANCE PLANS ACCEPTED NEW PATIENTS Free Consultation and necessary x-rays with a cleaning. AND CHILDREN INVISALIGN ROBERT VESTEVICH, DDS, MS Member American Board of Orthodontists DR. SHAKIB HALABU DR. JERRY KOHEN DR. HAIFA MANSOUR 248-855-1855 7125 ORCHARD LAKE RD., SUITE 310, WEST BLOOMFIELD (LOCATED INSIDE THE CENTURY 21 BUILDING) WWW.MAKINGBEAUTIFULSMILES.COM Sebastian P. Minaudo, CLU Innovative Solutions to reach your Financial Goals: •Personal Planning •Education Planning •Estate Planning Renee A. Denha, CFP •Group Health Insurance •Business Planning •Retirement Solutions Cranbrook Financial Group, Inc 901 Wilshire Drive • Ste 320 Troy, MI 48084 (248) 362-4640 Phone • (248) 362-2140 Fax Cranbrook Financial Group, Inc. is independently owned and operated and is not a subsidiary or other corporate affiliate of The Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Company. Milwaukee. WI (NM) and its subsidiaries or affiliates, Sebastian P. Minuado. Agent , NM (life insurance, annuities, and disability income insurance). Securities are offered through Northwestern Mutual Investment Services. LLC. 901. Wilshire Drive, Suite 300, Troy, MI 48084 (248-362-2220), which is wholly owned by NM and a member of the NASD and SIPC. NM and Cranbrook Financial Group, Inc. and are not broker-dealers. Cranbrook Financial Group Inc. or its members may represent insurance and financial companies other than NM or its affiliates. 36 CHALDEAN NEWS APRIL 2005

Unequalled luxury. Unparalleled style. Lease the incomparable Range Rover HSE for 5/mo.* There’s nothing quite like a Range Rover. And there’s certainly no other dealership experience quite like Land Rover Farmington Hills. Lease a Range Rover HSE and you’re automatically enrolled as a member of Erhard’s exclusive Privilege Program, where you’ll take advantage of special services—including pick up and delivery—as well as valuable incentives, like earning up to ,000 toward the purchase of your next Erhard vehicle. Land Rover Farmington Hills 38200 Grand River Ave. Farmington Hills, MI 48335 866.749.5950 Experience the luxury and style of the Range Rover HSE—as well as Land Rover’s other fine vehicles—at Land Rover Farmington Hills, Southeastern Michigan’s only Land Rover Centre. ENTER THE WORLD OF ERHARD Visit us online at *5 for 24 months A Plan lease. ,995 due at signing, includes security deposit and 10,000 miles per year. Offer valid through 3/31/05. Tax, title, license and fees extra. See dealer for complete details. APRIL 2005 CHALDEAN NEWS 37




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