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APRIL 2005

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The older a man gets,

The older a man gets, the higher his chances of developing prostate cancer. On the brighter side, the more time marches on, the more advances that are being made in treating this common disease. Researchers estimate that 50 percent of men older than 50 and 70 percent of men older than 70 have some form of prostate cancer. In 2003, in the U.S. alone doctors diagnosed about 220,000 cases, and nearly 30,000 men die from prostate cancer each year, according to the American Cancer Society. Prostate cancer is the second most prevalent cancer among men. According to the American Society of Reproductive Medicine, more than 70 percent of all prostate cancer occurs in men 65 years or older. African-American men and individuals who have prostate cancer What you need to know BY JOYCE WISWELL fathers or brothers with prostate cancer appear to be more likely to get the disease. Often, men with prostate cancer are advised to just do “watchful waiting,” which means no treatment at all. But some fear such a conservative approach will allow the cancer to spread (metastasize) to other parts of the body. Some relatively new therapies are being touted as a good alternative to radical surgery because they are minimally invasive. Cryotherapy aims to eradicate cancer by freezing the prostate cells. The latest generation of cryotherapy uses ultra-thin needles to produce iceballs of extreme sub-zero temperatures. The doctor uses ultrasound to precisely guide insertion of the needles and monitor the freezing. Freezing destroys the entire prostate, including cancerous tissue. The main risk associated with prostate cryotherapy is impotence, since nerve bundles associated with erection may be affected. However, these nerves can regenerate and depending on potency prior to cryotherapy, it may return over a period of time. Cryotherapy can be performed under local anesthesia on an outpatient basis, but sometimes an overnight stay is required. Another new procedure is brachytherapy, in which radioactive “seeds” are implanted via needle into the prostate where they irradiate prostate cancer tissue. In most cases, cryotherapy and brachytherapy take less than two hours. There is minimal pain and discomfort. Patients generally are mobile the same day and resume a normal routine within a few days. In other news, a new therapeutic cancer vaccine, called APC8015 (Provenge), is likely to become a new standard of care for patients with metastatic prostate cancer. A recent study found that it increases survival by nearly 18 percent in men with advanced prostate cancer that no longer responds to hormone therapy. Doctors check for prostate cancer with a digital rectum exam and/or a Prostate-specific antigen (PSA) blood test. While new and improved therapies are being developed, there is no substitute for early detection. NOW OPEN $ 1 MILLION OF A LIFETIME 248-932-0788 Mon. - Sat. 8 a.m.-9 p.m. • Sunday 8 a.m.- 8 p.m. Breakfast Anytime Lunch and Dinner Dine In • Carry Out • Catering Designated Carry-Out Parking 6339 Orchard Lake Rd at Orchard Mall (Next to Tappers Jewelers) West Bloomfield Drawings for chances to spin the wheels will be held every Tuesday and Wednesday at 6pm and 8pm beginning March 22nd. Grand River & The Lodge For More Information: 1-877-777- 0711 • Beginning March 17th thru April 13th, you can earn entry tickets when you play slots and table games to win a chance at a million dollars or your share of over 0,000 in Cash, Comps or Reward Play! YOU MUST BE PRESENT TO WIN! EVERY $PINNER IS A WINNER! See your casino host, Club Metro TM or visit for complete rules. MotorCity Casino and MotorCity Casino logo are trademarks of Detroit Entertainment, L.L.C. ©2005 Detroit Entertainment, L.L.C. All rights reserved. 32 CHALDEAN NEWS APRIL 2005

Celebrate Chaldean Art and Culture at the DIA’s Fifth Friday April 29 ] 6-9 p.m. hg Masood Frances Thomas Yaldo demonstrates bas-relief sculpting. Ishtar Gate, Dragon of Marduk, 604/562 BC, Neo-Babylonian. Enjoy Chaldean music with Rafid Sawa Happiness Band. hg hg hg May Denha tells traditional Chaldean stories ... take a guided tour ... see a video about Chaldean culture ... make your own art! Activities are FREE with museum admission hg hg hg Programs are made possible with support from the Michigan Council for Arts and Cultural Affairs and the City of Detroit. 5200 Woodward Avenue · Detroit · 313.833.7530 Supplying quality wholesale food products since 1994 Bobby Hesano 12190 Sears Dr. Livonia, MI 48150 FREE Delivery Phone: (734) 513-1715 Fax: (734) 513-2431




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