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APRIL 2005

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SUBSCRIBE TO THE NEWEST MEMBER OF THE chaldean community THE CHALDEAN NEWS Please mail the subscription form, along with a check made payable to: The Chaldean News Attn: Subscriptions 30095 Northwestern Highway, Suite 102 Farmington Hills, MI 48334 SUBSCRIPTIONS 12-Month subscription DUES (MICHIGAN) (OUT OF STATE) I wish to subscribe to the Chaldean News for 12 issues Please fill in your name and address below: Name _________________________________________________________________________________ Address _______________________________________________________________________________ City ______________________________________ State _____ Zip _____________________ Phone ______________________________ E-mail ________________________________ Phone: 248-932-3100 or FAX: 248-932-9161 GASTRIC BYPASS continued from page 29 make it through the surgery alive. But he took the chance nine years ago at the age of 38. Tim Karmo experienced major complications from the surgery. After being home for five days, he collapsed from being dehydrated. The doctors also found a skin infection caused by a staple, which lead to an infection within his abdomen. Karmo was kept in the hospital with his abdomen open for three weeks in order to monitor and clear his body of the infection. One month later, he was diagnosed with a kidney infection and had surgery to remove that organ. After seven months, a blood vessel ruptured in his abdomen, which caused him to be in intensive care for a week. Along with these near-death complications, Karmo also had more than 80 pounds of excess skin removed. He is now in perfect health at 188 pounds and has more energy than ever. He can sit in restaurant booths, fit in the seats at movie theaters and drive in any given car. He said he would never reconsider his choice to have the surgery, despite the numerous major complications. Weight loss is not the only reason for having gastric bypass surgery. Jeff George, 46, chose it to improve his health conditions, which included diabetes, high cholesterol and high blood pressure. When it got to the point that he could barely walk, George decided to have the surgery to save his legs from being amputated. Now he is no longer dependent on insulin, and his health problems have improved tremendously. Prior to his duodenal switch surgery, George weighed 265 pounds; now he’s lost about 30 percent of that weight. “The Today Show’s” Al Roker puts the surgery in good perspective. “Anybody who thinks that this is a magic bullet — you do this and it’s done — you’re making a mistake. It’s not,” he said. Therefore, it is crucial that those considering the surgery do a lot of research and understand the possible dangers before undergoing the knife. 30 CHALDEAN NEWS APRIL 2005





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