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APRIL 2005

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ONE-on-ONE Saul Anuzis:

ONE-on-ONE Saul Anuzis: Michigan Republican party’s new Chair Saul Anuzis, a Lansing business executive, is the new chair of the Republican Party in Michigan. The chairman and co-founder of Quick Connect USA, he has more than 11 years experience in the telecommunications field. Anuzis has served on the board of Phone Bank Systems Inc., is a gubernatorial board appointee to the Michigan Jobs Commission and Michigan Export Development Authority, and works with other community and charitable organizations. He studied economics at the University of Michigan in Dearborn, and is married and the father of four children. He recently talked to the Chaldean News on a variety of subjects. Chaldean News (CN): What are some of the initiatives coming out of the Michigan Republican Party? Saul Anuzis (SA): One of my first goals will be to improve and expand communications with grassroots activists. Specifically, we are going to set up a monthly meeting with our GOP County Chairs to allow greater input from the local level. Each Vice Chair will be asked to coordinate several Task Forces that will be set up to attract new voters, address specific programs and involve activists statewide. CN: Michigan always seems to be near the bottom of the list in the country when it comes to receiving federal dollars. Why? And what can you do to help change that? SA: With a Republican-controlled Senate and Congress and a Republican in the White House, it only makes sense that from a purely partisan standpoint we consider having at least one U.S. senator who is a Republican. Senator [Debbie] Stabenow has put politics ahead of serving her constituents. As an example, she has blocked the nomination of four judges to the federal bench. The only reason she has given is political. That is not good for Michigan or the country. CN: What did the Michigan Republican Party do to assist with the recent Iraqi election process for Iraqi- Americans? SA: I watched with great excitement and pride as Iraqi participated in this historic effort. I was lucky enough to have an opportunity to travel to Lithuania while it was regaining its independence back in 1999- 2000. The Michigan Republican Party participates and sends volunteers through the International Republican Institute (IRI) all over the world to help democracy spread. I am not sure if anyone from our Michigan party actually was involved in Iraq, but I am sure the IRI was deeply involved. CN: There was a very low voter turnout in the United States for the Iraqi elections. What could Republicans have done to increase turnout? SA: I’m not sure it is the role of the Michigan Republicans to directly get involved in the elections of any foreign country. However, we could and can provide all kinds of educational training for local activists. I’m a perfect example. My involvement in Republican politics in Michigan helped me help others in Lithuania and Lithuanian-Americans get involved in the electoral process in Lithuania. I was able to set up training and seminars for political leaders, campaign workers and future legislative and government leaders through my contact. Any one of the Chaldean activists in the process could have done the same. CN: It is being reported that Michigan currently has the lowest unemployment rate in the country. What have the State of Michigan and the Republican Party done to attract jobs? SA: The Republican Senate and House leaders in our legislature have been leading the fight to lower the cost of doing business in Michigan. We are a highcost state with layers of regulations and paperwork that makes it hard to start a business, let alone expand and keep jobs in Michigan. With a 7.3 percent rate of unemployment and now being one of only three states in the country that still has a budget deficit, Governor Granholm owes the people an explanation. We need new leadership with new ideas. CN: Have we done everything possible to bring jobs to the state? SA: No, we have plants and companies leaving Michigan all the time. We are no longer only compet- LASHorthodontics when it comes to business, we speak your language. Dr. Steven Lash Dr. Rebecca Rubin Dr. Steven M. Lash is pleased to welcome Dr. Rebecca L. Rubin as his new orthodontic associate. ❍ Children and Adults ❍ Clear Retainers ❍ Clear & Metal Braces ❍ Invisalign We offer the newest technologies to meet every patient's specific needs. As Market Executives, we’re the face and voice of DTE Energy in your community. As employees of one of the nation’s most reliable energy suppliers, we offer over 100 years of experience in gas and electric service. From products that can help your business use energy efficiently to arranging service connections to answering billing questions, we’re here to serve you. Call us at 888.777.6996. Pine Orchard Professional Building 6177 Orchard Lake Road West Bloomfield, MI 48322 248-851-7272 18 CHALDEAN NEWS APRIL 2005

ing with other states, but the world. We need to be flexible, agile and aggressive. CN: What is the local Republican Party doing to get involved in the rebuilding efforts of Iraq, if anything? SA: Republicans are very involved. Obviously, with a Republican administration leading the rebuilding effort, many Republicans, specifically from Michigan, have been tapped to go over to Iraq and offer their expertise and advice. Local parties can get involved as well. I encourage expatriates from Iraq who are involved in any civic or political organization to organize specific, localized assistance. I hate to use Lithuania as an example, but in Michigan our expatriates support specific schools, Girl and Boy Scout troops, an orphanage and many other specific programs and projects. CN: How can Chaldean Americans become more involved in doing business with various levels of government? SA: There are a variety of very specific programs that help individuals and businesses get involved in doing business with the government. The key is just to start — start small, go for a specific goal or project. Local units of government seem to be the best place to start and easiest to work with. They are more responsive and interested in cost savings and quality service, so a smaller company has a better chance of selling their advantages. CN: What type of outreach has the Michigan Republican Party done with the Chaldean community? SA: There are lots of good Republican activists from the Chaldean community involved. Nothing beats having one of your own as the party’s ambassador to the community. So first, we have to encourage and expand our base of Chaldean activists at every level of the party. Second, I personally have been very committed to PHOTO BY AL GOLDIS/AP Saulius "Saul" Anuzis, 45, poses on his Harley-Davidson motorcycle in Lansing. getting all the ethnic communities more involved in the Republican Party. I will set up a system to make a long-term commitment to opening up dialogue and keeping communications going with activists and community leaders within the Chaldean community on a bipartisan basis. CN: Various elected officials in both the Democratic and Republican parties have appointed Chaldeans to their administrations. Yet many other administrations have no representatives from our community. How can we remedy that? SA: Get involved. Nobody is “automatically” going to appoint unless they feel a need. I would argue that as your activists become more significant players in the broader community, your representation with increase. CN: Many Chaldean Americans often feel overlooked by elected officials or lumped into another group. Do state officials really understand our community? SA: All of us who are part of this great melting pot called America have to make an effort to educate about who we are, where we came from and how we are and will continue to be an important part of this adopted country of ours. The Chaldean community has a long and proud history. It’s your job to promote it locally as well as nationally. Nothing will do this more than having folks from your community succeed in their business, professional, political and academic careers. Superior Pontiac-Buick-GMC-Nissan ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ “We specialize in GM pricing leases!” Special financing available. ZAID Your Leasing Specialist Our bodyshop repairs all makes and models. Also, ask about free loaners and free estimates. ALL NEW 2005 PONTIAC G6 2005 BUICK RENDEZVOUS 2005 GMC ENVOY 2005 PONTIAC GRAND PRIX 14505 Michigan Ave, Dearborn, MI 48126 phone (313) 846-1122 ext. 124 E-mail: APRIL 2005 CHALDEAN NEWS 19




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