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APRIL 2005

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CALC corner ONE BEAD AT A TIME Some 30 seniors from Chaldean Manor gathered together on March 12 to make rosaries. Materials were supplied by the ECRC’s Social Justice Committee from St. Thomas. Thanks to volunteers Nada Jiddou, Remon Jiddou, Nadira Kannau, Bridget Yaldou and Christine Khami for a successful event! CHALDEAN AMERICAN LADIES OF CHARITY 44TH ANNUAL MEETING In Celebration of our 44th Anniversary We cordially invite you to pray with us at NOTE from the PRESIDENT Spring is upon us and we have many bright things to look forward to in the upcoming months. We encourage all CALC members, their families and Clair Konja friends to attend our programs throughout the year. We are fortunate to have many talented people in our community who can share their knowledge about so many issues. We hope everyone had a blessed Easter. Please read more about what CALC has been doing this past month. APRIL CALENDAR OF EVENTS Stroke: Prevention is the Best Treatment April 11 at 7 p.m. (Dr. Marisa Abbo) Chaldean Manor Preventing Falls April 15 at 1 p.m. (Suha Dayimiya — Guardian Angel Home Care); Chaldean Manor St. Anthony Nursing Home Movie Night April 16 at 6 p.m. Event includes refreshments; Warren Teaching Everyday English (Helpful words for seniors) April 19 at noon; Chaldean Manor Creative Floral Design (Arts & Crafts) April 25 at 1 p.m. (Lawrence Yaldo); Chaldean Manor CHARITABLE GIVING On regular basis, members of CALC assess Metro Detroit families in need. Last month CALC assessed and assisted a family following a fire. A single mother with six children lost their home and all their belongings in a fire — a house into which they had just moved. Among many things, the family desperately needed furniture, which CALC donated. A member of ECRC and a Chaldean senior at the rosary-making event A HAPPY EASTER St. Anthony’s Nursing Home was the site of an Easter Dinner on March 19. About 20 residents enjoyed food supplied by the CALC. A big hit was the serving of special bread traditionally baked for Palm Sunday, which brought back a lot of memories for the seniors. CALC volunteers Margaret Butti, Clair Garmo and Regina Konja served a wonderful dinner to the residents. SENIORS TAKE A FIELD TRIP CALC hosted 50 seniors on a field trip to the Fr. Solanus Casey Center in Detroit. They attended the healing mass held on Wednesdays at 2 p.m. During mass, the priest recognized the Chaldean seniors for their attendance. Following mass, the seniors had a delicious lunch at Fuddruckers in Detroit. Owners of the restaurant, Tom and Sam Kyriakoza, were extremely hospitable to our seniors that day. CALC also thanks all the volunteers for helping escort the event. Contact and Join CALC! OUR MISSION We are Chaldean women energized by working together and with others to provide help and hope to those in need. OUR VISION The CALC will strengthen and preserve the Chaldean family by ensuring that all generations have access to necessary resources and services. Seniors enjoy Fr. Solanus Casey Center Please join the Chaldean American Ladies of Charity (CALC) and be part of a group of hard working and dedicated women. It is just .00 a year Call Today: 248-352-5018 or send in your membership to: 21711 W. Ten Mile Rd., Ste. 238 Southfield, MI 48075 The Ascension Thursday Mass at Mother of God Church Southfield, MI Thursday, May 5, 2005 at 10:00 a.m. Immediately following the Mass is the CALC 44th Annual Meeting at 11:00 a.m. At the Mother of God - Upper Church Hall (Complimentary Breakfast) Please R.S.V.P. by calling (248) 352-5018 (Members Only) STRENGTHENING CHALDEAN FAMILIES The Chaldean American Ladies of Charity is pleased to announce The Strengthening Our Chaldean Families Program. This family program was developed to improve parent-child relationships and family communication for Chaldean families with children ages 10-15. Children and their parents meet once a week for 11 weeks. We encourage Chaldean families to attend this highly effective program. There is no charge for attendance. Each session will address a different topic, including communication techniques, developing self esteem, knowing who your friends are, preventing substance abuse and teaching parents and children the importance of family values and culture. Sessions will include parent-youth discussions as well as family activities, refreshments and gifts. Tutoring will also be offered to the families who participate in the program. Day care is available for younger siblings. Please contact Jane Shallal at (248) 223-9830 for further information. The SCF Program is provided at two locations: SOUTHFIELD AREA: Every Monday from 5:45p.m.-7:45p.m. Mother of God Church Hall-Upper Hall, Southfield W. BLOOMFIELD, BLOOMFIELD HILLS, FARMINGTON & WALLED LAKE AREA: Every Wednesday from 6 p.m.-8 p.m. Orchard Lake Middle School (located between Maple Road and Walnut Lake Road), West Bloomfield MEMBERSHIP INFORMATION NAME: _______________________________________ ADDRESS: _______________________________________ _______________________________________ DAY PHONE: ______________________________________ EVENING PHONE: _________________________________ EMAIL: ____________________________________________ 16 CHALDEAN NEWS APRIL 2005 ADVERTORIAL

oushala SUBSCRIBE TO THE NEWEST MEMBER OF THE chaldean community THE CHALDEAN NEWS Kaak El Simsem SESAME COOKIES BY SAMIRA YAKO CHOLAGH Please mail the subscription form, along with a check made payable to: The Chaldean News Attn: Subscriptions 30095 Northwestern Highway, Suite 102 Farmington Hills, MI 48334 INGREDIENTS 4 cups all-purpose flour 1 tablespoon baking powder 4 eggs 1 cup vegetable oil 1 cup sugar 1 teaspoon ground cardamom 2 eggs, beaten with 2 tablespoons milk Sesame seeds From Samira Yako Cholagh’s book, Treasured Middle Eastern Cookbook. 1. Mix flour, baking powder and ground cardamom in a bowl. Set aside. 2. Place oil and sugar in a large mixing bowl. Beat until light. Add eggs and beat well. 3. Add flour mixture gradually. Beat to make smooth dough. If dough is sticky, cover with plastic wrap and refrigerate 1 hour. 4. Cut a small piece of dough the size of a walnut and form between palms into a smooth ball. Roll out into a rope 4-5 inches long. Pinch the ends together to form a ring. Dig in the egg mixture and coat with sesame seeds. Place on a greased baking sheet 1 1/2 inches apart. 5. Bake in a 350 degree oven for 15-20 minutes or until golden brown. Cool on a rack and serve. Makes 30-40 cookies. Phone: 248-932-3100 or FAX: 248-932-9161 SUBSCRIPTIONS 12-Month subscription DUES (MICHIGAN) (OUT OF STATE) I wish to subscribe to the Chaldean News for 12 issues Please fill in your name and address below: Name _________________________________________________________________________________ Address _______________________________________________________________________________ City ______________________________________ State _____ Zip _____________________ Phone ______________________________ E-mail ________________________________ APRIL 2005 CHALDEAN NEWS 17




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